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dx5 epson printhead

  1. Solventinkjet.com review - Bad print head.

    I purchased a DX5 print head from Robert solventinkjet.com 2 years ago for my mutoh 1204. The print head suddenly lost the top half of both magenta channels about 2 months ago. I also noticed cross contamination of the colors while printing. I contacted robert at solventinkjet about it. He said...
  2. Blurry, Grainy print quality -- Zhongye E1800

    Hello all, I am in a situation with my printer. The quality in my printer has degraded badly. I can no longer print images no matter the resolution at a clear quality. It seems that over the hot weekend something affected it. My prints come out grainy and blurry, with what appears to be tiny...
  3. Second Locked DX5 with First Locked Decoder

    I recently purchased a secondhand UV flatbed printer from China (BrotherJet BR-U7880) and am currently experiencing some issues with it. The printhead moves side to side, but does not fire ink. I cleaned the printhead, but it didn't fix the issue. I did some research and concluded the printhead...
  4. Mimaki JV33 and Old DX5 Printhead

    There are used Epson printers available locally that use the DX5 printhead. Can these existing printer printheads be used in a Miamki JV33 printer, or has the firmware been altered to block this option? New printheads are available from SolventInkJet, which I believe to be a reputable company...
  5. URGENT! HELP! Dx5 printhead drops ink all the time.

    Hey everyone! Anybody knows what can happened with my DX5 printheads? Here's the case: My printer is a chinese Phaeton Galaxy UD-181LA ecosolvent with 2 DX5 unblocked printheads. Someday the headboard had a little curt, because the printer was plugged directly in energy (without a nobreak)...
  6. Tutorial for DX5 head?

    I need to change the head of my printer. It is a epson dx5. Can anyone help me to a step-by-step tutorial to change?
  7. My name Is Riccardo Zullian From Venezuela

    Good morning, I have a small family business with a Chinese plotter printing with solvent ink and a plotter also chinese cut, print decorative vinles to sell online in Venezuela and some nearby countries, I registered on this forum because I'm changing for the second time the printhead a DX5...