That one.... everyone should view twice a day... for the rest of their life.
Unfortunately, doing that won't do a lick of good for some people.
Back in High School(many many many many many moons ago), there was a girl that did a debate in speech class on the merits of wearing a safety belt while in a moving vehicle. Had all these videos, stats, etc. That very weekend after that speech she was in a horrible accident, I forget how many reconstructive surgeries she had to have, held back a grade. Not only was she not wearing her safety belt, but she was drunk as well.
It turned out to be a nasty lawsuit as well. Parents of one kid in our high school threw a party for the kids, allowed them to drink etc. Thought they were doing enough by keeping their car keys. Ironically I had to study that case for my Intro to the Legal System class. Another classmate in the college class also went to the same high school(we were all classmates to the girl that had the accident, until she was held back a grade).
People are either going to do it or they aren't. You can show them all the stats, videos etc. and it won't matter in the end. You think all the STD videos in high schools keep the kids from knocking each other up? Very tough crowd to educate, because they already believe they know it all.
Sad, frustrating and disturbing, but unfortunately true for the majority of them. The ones that take it to heart are few and far between.