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A wrap that makes people call 911


New Member
I am sorry, but I can not fathom how an image of a kidnapped- hog tied woman can be construed as good for business for this sign company.

i doubt that we have seen the end of this news story, and mark my word, this company whoever they are, will not be in business a year from now.

it is an affront to the proper treatment of women. The theatrics of this graphic is condoning the act of rape and abduction of women and seems an effort to make light of it. This is beyond the pale and is offensive beyond belief. Do you have a daughter, a wife a mother? What is wrong with you people?

This is exactly why I rarely come around this forum any more. It can be a hateful disgusting place.

What a fine display of double standards you portray, so unless it fits in your bubble it is offensive? So by your point of view the fact that a sniper rifle is pointing out the back of a truck is ok? Want to tell that to all the victims of the DC Snipers, or because their is a military uniform you are fine with promoting this type of image,
or the third truck which openly display blood/gore again is fine to be seen by people of all ages, or since it from a highly popular TV show the image has no ground to hit the raw nerve?

Good place to look for a partner for your new shop but otherwise ........ Signs 101 is beneath your contempt.

Interesting example of a double standard. Would you prefer we censor free speech? Is the wrap under discussion not being discussed elsewhere with similar disparities?

:goodpost: free speech is just that, your ability to voice your opinion(s) and do so on any topic.
So as Fred pointed out you only bless us with your presence when you need something?


Seems like people are standing in line to be offended,at anything that comes along, doesn't matter what ... just as long as they can be offended!

I guess that their lives must be really dull!

That appears to be the case, as long as there is a nerve to be exposed which has not already been hit and lost the shock value then the salt is poured freely onto it.

I find it incredibly offensive, and don't care what other ads, music videos, or other sources use similar images. Promoting anything by the depiction of women/girls being brutalized is not just poor taste, it's trivializing a horrific crime.

Why no comment on the fact that both sexes are abducted every 40 secs in the USA per the FBI's NCIC? it not just women/girls

The employee modeling for the photo apparently didn't find anything wrong with it either.

Also, I see a lot of comments about "rape" being tossed around. Where was "rape" mentioned, depicted, or in other way construed in the image. You people really are stretching to get offended over something.

Very true indeed, if there was an issue then it wouldn't have been done from the start, the model for image wouldn't have posed, the designer to create the file would have refused and the employee's vehicle it went on would not have done it.

This is by no means is any of this advocating violence or the mistreatment of human beings.

Locals Find!

New Member
Had to add I visited the shop in questions website. There is a whole video on there about the campaign and lots of links to donate to anti abuse and exploitation organizations. If his campaign does nothing but raise awareness of these organizations I am sure everyone involved can count this as a win.


New Member
An image that's intelligently used to catch attention gets twisted up...stretched to "rape"...and somehow encourages brutality against women????.....What???....wow...

I haven't been here in a while either....comments are funny....it's entertaining and i'll be back to see it all unfold....well...since the housewives are all reruns at this point...:wink:

oh and by the way...I bet the sign shop that did the job explodes with work....


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
I find it incredibly offensive, and don't care what other ads, music videos, or other sources use similar images. Promoting anything by the depiction of women/girls being brutalized is not just poor taste, it's trivializing a horrific crime.

A two dimensional image of what appears to be a female of the species that, upon inspection, seems to have her hands tied. From this you deduce horrific crime? Brutalization? Kidnap? Sexual assault? Mopery with intent to gawk?

Get a grip. All of these things you think you see are only in your own mind.

Moreover if you find something offensive then it is necessarily the case that you have chosen to be offended. You and you alone are responsible for your choices. Deal with them, preferably without involving others. Especially by expecting them to alter their behavior in order to accommodate your prejudices.


New Member
really????????????????? pray tell your vast wealth of KNOW IT ALL source(s) for this absurd statement/////////////

back to OP, the name of the game is SHOCK AND AWE in today's society and if you can get WORLD WIDE FREE ADVERTISEMENT then you are doing GREAT!!!
this style of art work is NOTHING new, dating back to over 400 B. C., trompe l'oeil is designed to get your attention and create optical illusions.

In no way is this condoning the violence of women, nor am I, But what is the difference between this tailgate wrap and the ads from Lego?
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TEXASS...........SUCKS)))))) not just for this piece of garbage. putting trompe l'oeil...and this example of poor taste in the same statement i find THAT OFFENSIVE!!!! trompe l'oeil takes talent, i see no talent involved in this display of a PHOTO!!!
NOW.....FOR MORE ON WHY I DISLIKE TEXASS..........I HATE THE COWBOYS(iam a STEELER FAN)and the politics in TEXASS.......reinforces the dislike for anything TEXASS))))))


New Member
it is in poor taste, something that seems to be the norm these days. I'm pretty sick of the idea that anything goes

Pat Whatley

New Member
The thing that surprises me is that the company is standing by it and trying to write it off as a marketing experiment. From what I've read it was a couple of employees who thought it would be funny and stuck it on a personal vehicle.

Joe Diaz

New Member
Speaking of double standard. You know every time I see a truck driving around with one of those metal nut sacks hanging off the back, I always wonder if someone could get away with wrapping a picture of a females hooha on the tailgate.:omg::rolleyes::Big Laugh Is there really that big of a difference? All of those here that think the only issue with this tied up girl imagery is that people are choosing to be offended by it, what would your thoughts be about a wrap depicting a female's nether region? I know the two images are different, but they are alike in that they will most likely offend certain people whether you think that is their problem or not. I'm just interested in where the line is for some here and when it's okay to not allow something some might view as offensive on your own advertisements, and then why?

I'm personally not overly offended by the wrap in question, well not any more than a nut sack hanging from a truck LOL... but, I personally think it's more effective to promote our name and logo, than abducting women. This little exercise may have shocked a few people but I would be interested to see how much the publicity actually helped their business. I already forgot the name of the business. That can't be good.


I don't know if they claim they originated the idea, but its not new.


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PRS Bryan

The problem with this style of advertising is that some people will clearly be offended.

If you are offended, don't use or promote his company. You could discourage the use of the company. Tell anyone you know what they have done.

Do I think it is a good idea. No, more people will think it is offensive than an example of creative forward thinking.

In the end remember, it is easy to protect the decisions you agree with, it is the right to be an idiot that takes some intellectual fortitude to defend.


Active Member
What line is that? some line there in your village?

Could you be more a little more condescending? Please?

What, exactly, do you find wrong with this particular tailgate wrap? Be specific and objective. Any use of any form of the word 'offend' will negate your response.

I don't care for any type of imagery that depicts forms of bondage and/or suffering. There are limitless ways to be creative and generate mass appeal yet some resort to shock and filth. My personal values and beliefs stop me well short of even thinking of this type of work. Is that direct enough for you?

As for myself I think it's brilliant. I've tried for some years to dream up something exactly along these lines. A shot of the bed with something that will absolutely grab you in it. Was was thinking wore along the lines of something dangerous balanced on the edge, ready to fall out. This is far better.

Personally I'm shocked that the maven of all things sign couldn't muster enough gray matter to think of it. Why is that? Perhaps you were brought up to respect human life a bit more than you're likely to admit? I'm also shocked that you of all people find this garbage brilliant. You freely admitted you've tried for years which implies you still have nothing as "good" as these folks.

You wanted my reply and here it is. Make your flippant replies I am not playing that game. Rebuttals will not be wasted on anyone that finds this type of material an attractive form of advertising.


New Member
TEXASS...........SUCKS)))))) not just for this piece of garbage. putting trompe l'oeil...and this example of poor taste in the same statement i find THAT OFFENSIVE!!!! trompe l'oeil takes talent, i see no talent involved in this display of a PHOTO!!!
NOW.....FOR MORE ON WHY I DISLIKE TEXASS..........I HATE THE COWBOYS(iam a STEELER FAN)and the politics in TEXASS.......reinforces the dislike for anything TEXASS))))))
I have never been to FL but I have been to Texas several times. San Antonio 3 times and Huston once. My Wife and I loved San Antonio and actually plan on retiring there. Lots of diverse culture, and what I will say about a majority of Texans that we have met they are Proud people. Proud to be from Texas and there is a big difference between being proud and being arrogant. And lets not forget the H.E.B. hands down the best grocery stores in the Country....:rock-n-roll: By the Way I originated in the Seattle Area so I am a Die hard Seahawk and Mariners fan. Not Astro's or a Cowboys but I surely don't hate them. And as far as how Texas is politically aliened. Well I will not even dip much into that topic I will just say I like States that are progressive and actually create jobs not just talk about doing it. Oh The Tailgate thing... Cleaver, a tad distasteful, I would never do it, but there is a lot of stuff I would not do. Blown way out of proportion. Hey did anyone watch football this weekend? BIG BEN sacked 5 times. and the Cowboys won last night not a fan of either team but I still watched :rolleyes:


New Member
They show images like that and worse on prime time tv every day. Why is is so much more offensive when you see it on someones truck?


Premium Subscriber
I don't know if they claim they originated the idea, but its not new.

I thought that thing looked familiar. :thumb:

As to over the line or not.... in this day and age, the only thing that tends to draw attention is that of utter obnoxiousness.

Good taste ?? Not in my opinion, but then again, I don't like a sore throat. To defend this piece as being good or normal says a little to me of the person/persons defending it. Free speech, well, ya can lump this in with burning the American flag and spitting on umpires.

For someone to want to be noticed by using these tactics tells me, they're either minus a few brain cells from the point of not knowing good from bad...... or they just don't know any better. Now before any of you defending this tailgate kinda trash bites my head off...... do ANY OF YOU have anything remotely like this on anything of yours ?? Why ?? Cause you never went into these depths of silliness, perhaps ?? You might've thought this to be repulsive and didn't have the guts to use or do it ?? The same goes for the artist who spreads human waste on a canvas and calls it 'ART'. Wanna be noticed ?? Do something right and don't fall into the gutter to get your kicks off and then tell me I'm the prude. Take a step up in life to the curb..... ya just might like the scenery.


New Member
This is an off marketing campaign. Not professional, but will get attention.

I have no idea why people are so upset at this thread.. it makes no sense.

Joe Diaz

New Member
This is an off marketing campaign.
Marketing what though? The average person sees this, what are they supposed to do? Who do they call besides 911? I see nothing that tells me what type of business it is, what they sell, who they are, how to get in contact with them... If it's a marketing campaign it a terrible one. If it's supposed to get someones attention, it works but to what end and for what purpose.

And let's say for the sake of argument someone does put two and two together and realize this is marketing a wrap business. I wonder if people are going to think, "hmmm that's good quality print, I should hire them" or "wow these guys have to do this to get people's attention, I wonder what tactics they are going to use for my business's graphics?". Personally I would wonder if they have to rely on shock because they can't get people's attention with a quality design.


New Member
Marketing what though? The average person sees this, what are they supposed to do? Who do they call besides 911? I see nothing that tells me what type of business it is, what they sell, who they are, how to get in contact with them... If it's a marketing campaign it a terrible one. If it's supposed to get someones attention, it works but to what end and for what purpose.

And let's say for the sake of argument someone does put two and two together and realize this is marketing a wrap business. I wonder if people are going to think, "hmmm that's good quality print, I should hire them" or "wow these guys have to do this to get people's attention, I wonder what tactics they are going to use for my business's graphics?". Personally I would wonder if they have to rely on shock because they can't get people's attention with a quality design.

Good observation!