The cases are divided up into separate "issues". One being the bike/helmet/clothing (which will be dealt with within a week); Two, being any other losses, such as lost work time, physio, meds - whatever, and then three, the settlement for what most people call "pain & suffering", or any long-term physical problems. That last one will take time to assess, and is actually up to me to decide when I can confidently say "I'm better", or, "these are my on-going problems", so that I won't know for some time. But because I'm not completely smashed to pieces, or in a coma, or missing a limb, I can't imagine it will be an enormous amount of compensation. We'll see. I'm no gold-digger, I'm cursed with an honest streak.
I do have an on-going headache though, which I find kinda concerning given that I never get headaches.