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Anyone traveling On the 4th of July?

The Big Squeegee

Long Time Member
I'm hitting the road Friday morning. Heading out for southern Ut for our 40th year class reunion. It is an 18 hr drive so I plan to drive 11 hours the first day and get there a few hours before the event on Sat. I'll be back to work on Thursday.

If anyone wants to ask me a question before I return, please email me. I won't be checking my mailbox here on signs101 until I get back but I get my email on my phone.


Active Member
This is one time I'm glad that I'm not going with the family anywhere. Usually it's my family and my parents we will do something fun, but this 4th my parents have to deal with my grandmother (mom's side) who has dimensia really bad now. Her brother had it and his death last year (he is quite a bit older then she is, I think about 9 or 10 yrs) really sent her over the edge. So they are heading back to Kingsville Texas to deal with her (we are originally from Texas, 6th generation(I always have to get that in there), but I'm from Plano).

This is one time I'm glad to be working over the holidays.

Si Allen

New Member

Staying home and cooking!

Shish ka Bobs


Greek Salad

Baba Ghunoosh

Corn on the Cob

Pita Bread



New Member
company is closed from 7/2 thru 7/11 and lots of work to do around the house
then just relaxin and drinking by the pool....aaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Heading up to Silver Lake Sand Dunes for our annual Michigan family trip. We have gone there every year over the 4th since I was born (so I've been told)...riding quads, and hanging out by the beach. Lifted my truck and got some massive off road tires this year...can't wait.


New Member
Going to my parents house on the Bohemia river in Maryland wife kids and the parents will all be there. It's fun seeing the world from my 2 and 4 year old eyes. They have a blast.


Premium Subscriber
Going to Cape May Saturday morning and maybe coming back the same night or staying in Atlantic City over night. Free comp rooms there... and they usually give us a nice suite with great meals included. They want all YOUR money going into play.
The rest of the holiday, just doing odds 'n ends around the house, drinking plenty of :bushmill: and taking it easy.

Maybe go see some fireworks this year.

:birthday: . . . . :wavingflag:


New Member
Leaving today to head down to Oregon to camp with friends and also heading to Florence to the dunes for quad riding. Can't wait to get my 5 year old Yamaha Raptor on sand for the first time, just got new sand tires for it...woo hoo!


New Member
I am staying arround my house for Saturday and Sunday and Monday I get to fly down to Atlanta for a week long Mimaki Service Training on the CJV30 series. So not much of a holiday for me this year.


New Member
Leaving today to head down to Oregon to camp with friends and also heading to Florence to the dunes for quad riding. Can't wait to get my 5 year old Yamaha Raptor on sand for the first time, just got new sand tires for it...woo hoo!

What kind did ya get? Smoothies for the front, or just paddles? I assume the raptor is the 660?

showcase 66

New Member
Was originally going to go to Glamis with a couple of cousins and all their and my family but things changed. Now just going to stay home and relax. Got the go kart working again for the kids. should be a fun weekend.


New Member
we will be building a float on 7/3 for our parade the next day in what used to be the worlds largest picnic. sadly is is now a whimper of what it once was.


New Member
According to the New York Times I'll be helping destroy the environment

Yes, grilling is very eco-unfriendly: On July 4 alone, Americans will burn enough energy "in the form of charcoal, lighter fluid, gas, and electricity to power 20,000 households for a year," says Stacy Irwin at Green Earth News. That spells trouble for the planet.


Premium Subscriber
Welp..... too bad. We're already following those guidelines, so we're not contributing to the breakdown of our need to breath clean air.

Did anyone do a survey as to how much carbon monoxide is thrown into the air around these holidays by traveling to the seashore, mountains and other places of summer activity ??