Richard G
New Member
To ProWraps, A lot of us were drafted into Viet Nam in 1967 when i was drafted I watched as a lot of young people burned there draft cards saying that they won't go to war. I also watched as many fled this country to Canada. I also watched as I came back from Viet Nam less a lot of good friends, that my service meant nothing to alot of people and that i should be ashamed of fighting for my country. I believe that we live in the greatest country in the world and if we need to serve our country in it's time of need then so be it we should serve. To the question is a veteran any better than a working class person. I will go one further with this for you. I believe that all people who get involved in the country ( donate time at shelters, get involved with local politics. etc.) are great citizens of this country. Vetrans do have one strong advantage over most people however. They have seen humanity at it's absolute worst, they have seen things that they don't every want to talk about or let be know. They truely understand what it is to give to this country to keep it safe and strong. I was in Tampa at the VA center and stayed at a Marriott Hotel there for a few days. The clerck at the desk thanked me for my service in the miltary. I have never asked for a thankyou but this was the first time since I got out that I had heard that. The next time you see a Vetran, think about that.