Hi All,
With a heavy heart I'm seeking advice on this problem. I come in the shop this Monday to find and disturbing email from my estimator. Something to the effect of, "I can't access the server..." The long and short of it is this: Our file server died. Mind you, we do have a back up, but I got a bit lazy and the last time I ran it was about 3 months ago. No not too much data missing. But enough for the guy the signs my checks to be miffed at me.
Any way, the hardware, not a true file server per se. But a Older NAS from a company Buffalo. 1TB. Basically an external drive that has an Ethernet port so it can be easily connected to the net work. I just back it up to another external drive periodically.
Looking to move to another of the same type of set up. Just maybe something that backs up (with out my interaction). Note: I don't have time, nor do I know enough about, solutions like building a Linux box or something similar. Any suggestions? We have a Fry's Electronics within walking distance, so more than likely that it where we will go. But any advice will be considered.
And I searched s101 first but could not find what I was looking for. So if anyone wants to suggest search terms I may be missing, that would be useful also.
Thanks in advance.
With a heavy heart I'm seeking advice on this problem. I come in the shop this Monday to find and disturbing email from my estimator. Something to the effect of, "I can't access the server..." The long and short of it is this: Our file server died. Mind you, we do have a back up, but I got a bit lazy and the last time I ran it was about 3 months ago. No not too much data missing. But enough for the guy the signs my checks to be miffed at me.
Any way, the hardware, not a true file server per se. But a Older NAS from a company Buffalo. 1TB. Basically an external drive that has an Ethernet port so it can be easily connected to the net work. I just back it up to another external drive periodically.
Looking to move to another of the same type of set up. Just maybe something that backs up (with out my interaction). Note: I don't have time, nor do I know enough about, solutions like building a Linux box or something similar. Any suggestions? We have a Fry's Electronics within walking distance, so more than likely that it where we will go. But any advice will be considered.
And I searched s101 first but could not find what I was looking for. So if anyone wants to suggest search terms I may be missing, that would be useful also.
Thanks in advance.