For those of you struggling to understand the Original Posters (OP) message, I think this might clarify it for you. I'm quite sure he wasn't intending to bash Roland... he is bashing the Roland Distributor in India and wondering how Roland can associate with such a company. Here's what I read into his post....
Who is thinking of purchasing a Roland EcoSolvent Printer from Apson Infotex Ltd. in India?????????
Please wait, and think twice about it, because those people are lairs.
I have had a very bad experience. I purchased new heads and instead they gave me used heads. I complained to them and asked them to give me new heads instead, but they said there was nothing they could do about it.
They charged me 32,000 rupees for so-called NEW print heads, and within 2 months, and less then 2500 sq. feet printed, the print heads were weak.
I am going to lodge a compliant About Apson Infotex Ltd. in India, but come on people, that won't replace my crappy print heads! I also sent them my printer main board for repair two months ago and they have yet to tell me if the board will be repaired or not! They sent it to their engineer, and this engineer said that he would have to check the board on MY PRINTER because they don't have an extra printer to check the board with... can you believe this? Wouldn't you think that if Roland has a distributor in India that they'd at least have ONE printer on hand? How the heck do these people service their customers? I certainly don't understand how a company like Roland can associate themselves with an Indian Company that provides such poor service and is selling used parts as new. It is very shameful.
Thank you T3,
That is exactly how I interpreted the post, I don't believe the OP is attacking Roland per say, his is complaining about being cheated by the so-called Roland dealer selling him USED heads for the price of NEW heads. And when he sent his main board to the same dealer for repair, they don't have a printer on hand to test the board.
Please think if this same thing happened to you, what would you do?
I have a horror story about my Roland dealer, and when they didn't/wouldn't resolve my issue, I contacted the Roland area representative, and do you know what he did to resolve my issue with the dealer?
NOTHING, he told me I needed to work it out with the dealer. I ask you, it that the right way for Roland to handle the issue, pass it back to the dealer who is NOT willing to resolve the issue. I was thinking that because Roland is the manufacture, they might want to intervene and approach the dealer and suggest they try and work things out. I don't think I will ever purchase a Roland again, just because of this treatment by both the dealer and the official Roland area representative.
I guess my next steep is to get in touch with someone at Roland Corporate, maybe they are not aware of how the dealer and their field rep has addressed my issue, again giving Roland the company a chance to resolve the issue that the locals will not address.
I also agree, most on here need to get off their high-horse about the OP's English, like it has been mentioned, may not be his first language.
Lets give him a break, and just focus on the issues he has brought to light.