So true. You learn a lot more from people that disagree with you than you do with those that agree. Dealing with uncouth responses has been something that I have considered a price paid for opinions from experienced tradesman. Take it with a grain of salt and get over it.
On it's face, I agree with this. However, it must be conducted in a logical manner (I'm not saying Gino does or doesn't do that, I have someone else in mind when I'm thinking of this and no I won't mention their handle), I have seen some people that no matter what do not have an open mind to even consider that what they are thinking may or may not be complete.
I may think X because of 1,2,3 and someone might think of Y because of 8,2, and 9. While we may agree on point 2, because we don't agree on the other points, they believe I (or anybody that follows that schema) totally in the wrong and they just won't accept any other type of reasoning other then that. It's either all or nothing. Those are the ones that I really start thinking about blocking. Not that they have a different opinion then myself, it's how they go about the process of having a conversation about those differing opinions. I might as well trying to have an indepth conversation with my chickens then try to talk to them.
By putting our belief system out there in order for it to be challenge, either strengthens what we are thinking or if there are chinks in it, we should be approaching it from a different angle. It's along the same lines that we learn more from criticism then we do from positive feedback. As long as that criticism is constructive mind you. Some on here think it's tough love, when it's really stroking their limp egos.