the problem with those A/C cutouts is no one will know what they are....... if you're going to put an A/C unit on there, put what everyone see's and recognizes. The colors are not bold enough, if you're going to go rainbow, go full blown rainbow, but you better find some contrast.
Try for something that makes sense. EVERY Heating & Air design I see has the red/blue fade or divide, with icons to symbolize hot and cold. Unfortunately the guys name doesn't give you anything to work off of, so you have to come up with the image on your own, not everyone wants dragons and clouds though.
Sometimes it's best to close the file and start all over again.. maybe sketch something out on paper until you get a new idea. The problem with designing on the computer is UNDO.
I can't give you the ideas, that's your job, but I can help tell you what's wrong.