I'm wondering how many people will try adding .com to the end of your address. You're dealing with the average public and new domain extensions won't be "the norm" for years to come.
Would it be worth it to (somehow) point out there is no .com(or.net or .org or blah blah blah)?
I've never understood what is so "edgy" or "hip" about leaving off what type of extension the website is ie. .com, .org, .net, etc. etc.
Yes, I know that most browsers will now fill in the blanks as you type but millions of people consider themselves computer skills deficient and are using outdated equipment and browsers.
As much as I try to not patronize or condescend to the general public, people just aren't that good connecting the dots or filling in the blanks in these harried times we live in. Spell it out in full and get more visits.
I'm liking the latest iterations more except for the pinup girl icon being so prominent, all the grey tones and the standup bass, which has what to do with high quality photography? Its curves are really distracting to the flow of the layout.
Also, the word "Not" is a turnoff for many people. There must be a more hip, edgy, modern tagline hiding in your subconscious that doesn't negate the very service you provide by telling people its NOT photography.
I'm not trying to be too much of an old fuddy duddy because even at 53, I still listen to some pretty hard core music and act younger than my age and I get it that you are younger and a Gen X member and your tats must be displayed for the whole world to see at every opportunity, but unless you want to be pigeon holed or only considered for jobs by your age and lifestyle group, I'd push my professionalism and skills.