So far so good today, no texts and no solicitors calling. But if any of it starts up again, i'll change my number. I don't want to be to hasty and change my number before getting the congratulatory phone call.
all dressed up, and no place to go... or stay ...hmmm
believe it? I think not getting "I don't believe it", put's me there already
my husband has decided the safest thing for me to do is...
Not get out of bed in the morning
Not get dress up
and keep the sheets over my head.
oh sure... like i couldn't get into any trouble doing that!
Well sh_t in one hand and hold out the other for the ipad, and see which one fills up FIRST!!!!
well, i'm not gonna shit in my hand, so all i have to do is find the place i'm least wanted, put out my hand and refuse to leave till someone puts an iPad in it.
woo hoo... i win!
Awww, Gigi... I feel for you! It makes me want to send you a new iPad just to make you smile!

PM me your name, address, phone#, cell#, bank acct# and shoe size and I'll get it out to you right away! :Big Laugh
what do i get for just my shoe size tim?
GG you need you scan your computer for spy ware and virus's now. I recommend Kaspersky, only thing i've had experience with that can remove some nasty spy ware.
all MAC's here.... in twenty years, haven't had a single virus.
i got hit with $30 last month on my daughters line, i have verizon and they said you have to text "stop" to the number they give you and then i have have to call verizon to put some sort of block on the phone...crazyness..maybe we should try to get in on this seems to be making money...haha
pete, i read that texting "Stop" is another scam, with more charges. i'm curious to know if you see additional charges this month.
I remember some online thing that got me once like 6 years ago. All I had to do was zap the monkey running around on my screen, and I'd win $100. I can't wait till that comes in the mail. Hopefully they adjust for inflation over the past 6 years.
i'll bet that's the REAL scam, the iPad IS COMING but not for a few years, till it's a techno dinosaur. what a ruse!