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Careful with solventinkjet.com

DL Signs

Never go against the family
Hello, and welcome to the internet.
The place that took away common sense approaches to solving problems, like working with vendors and service providers to remedy problems. Instead, everyone wants to come bash first to anyone that will listen, then wonder why no one wants to deal with them, and why problems don't get resolved.

When you deal with sensitive electronics and want to take the DIY approach, you risk everything. There is no un-do button, and something as simple as a solitary drop of ink in the wrong place, a cable not seated properly, not completely disconnecting power and waiting for capacitors to discharge, and a long list of other things can do a lot of damage. Not following the proper procedures in order... Perhaps you should have gotten a tech to do it in the first place, yes you can save a few bucks doing it yourself, but you also inherit the risk and liability.


Very Active Signmaker
So here is the timeline..

Mar 16th - Firefighter tried unsuccessfully to change the head.

Mar 21st - He has a tech come out who didn't know what he was doing and spilled ink everywhere and "left the printer more broken then before" and the lead tech agrees to come out later.
Mar 21st - You immediately get on here and create a thread complaining about the tech company.

Mar 24th - The lead tech comes and says you were sold the wrong head and blames the company you bought it from. (No bias there right?)
Mar 24th - You immediately get on here and create a thread complaining about solvent inkjet


Premium Subscriber
Thanks that is exactly the problem. I’m not trying to bash anyone if I don’t have a true reason to. They sold me a print head and confirmed it was for my printer and turns out they were wrong in fact and they admitted it after they talked with mutoh. The problem is if I do a head swap like I did multiple times in Roland printers and Mimaki printers with no issues at all. The problem lays with they advertised something and it was incorrect and in return it cost me thousands of dollars to fix. Yes I am under pressure when you have a lot of customers waiting on their stuff and you have to explain to them what happened and start giving refunds or out sourcing printing. That gives a bad name to my business 100 percent and ruins trust with customers and I don’t like it. People can bash me on here all they want but if they were in the same situation they would do the same thing.
I still dont believe in any way that a wrong part numbered DX7 head had anything to do with frying something. The only possibility is that maybe the new replacement head (unlikely but defective new parts can happen) was defective in some way - just being the wrong part number will not fry anything, a wrong part numbered one just might not work as expected such as solvent ink might melt an aqueous manifold or it it might have gaps or distortion in printing due to encryption. The only way something gets fried replacing a head is either a defective part, ribbon cable damaged and shorted, ink leaked onto the heads board, static damages, or some other part was already fried.
agreed, we have swapped out all flavors of DX7
change manifold if they are aqueous, but,THAT PORTION OF THE ELECTRONICS is all the same
encryption (or lack of it) may differ, but no differencee that damage the output/driver circuit that sends signal to printhead


Sign & Banner Xpress
I will give my two cents. Those heads are very much interchangable and the head change alone would not fry your board. The original tech sounds like to me did the damage however it is just as possible you did the damage originally but my bet is on the ink getting all over that did any major damage. However the best you can hope for is the service company sllitting the cost because there is no proof it was them and none that it was you. What is pretty definite is the head vendor did not fry your board. The worst they did was sell a incorrect part that is the correct part minus software which will not fry a board. I understand your frustration but being called a dick by a member here is just as out of line here as anything else so ignore that part but focus your attention on the solution because no matter what tomorrow will come and if you have running equipment you can move forward knowing you will make more money and if you handle this professionally you will eventually end up ahead along with everyone else. Or we can follow the other path and call each other dickheads and see where that leads us. I think you see the point. Most times its win win or lose lose its rarely win lose if things are handled professionally.


New Member
Hi guys... This thread should be deleted or at least change the title. Its clearly that this mess has no relation with solverinkjet and is going to damage their solid reputation because a customer with a wannabe-tech (not from solventinkjet) has destroyed their plotter.

Sorry, but if u discharged tubes ink over a printhead, a motherboard and a crboard without properly cleaning and drying it it before turning on the machine again, you are going to burn it. Its a shame, I know, but go to ask for responsabilities to the real responsible (you know who is him)

Medina Signs

Old Member
The reason this thread caught my attention was that as titled, I thought there may be a problem with Solvent InkJet being a ripoff company - I'm glad I read the entire thread and have come to the conclusion that the next time I need parts I will very likely call them first. The last time I had to replace a head, I called the Roland Tech. I hated paying the price, but this printer has worked great many years now. I also know that had I attempted the repair myself the results may have been a disaster.
Firefighter seems to think that advertising his problem and accusing others will get him some free parts. You know, the squeaky wheel.
Verdict - Solvent Inkjet, Winner! - Firefighter, Loser!

Hope you get your printer up soon.


Premium Subscriber
in the last several months, i bought a dx7 & i believe 3 dx4's
vanderj has been an incredible help (with lots of things that i was not buying from him, as well)

everything ships when promised.
i am always a little nervous with the "friday curse (you order something late thursday & it is supposed to ship so you have it on friday (we have a tech MUCH YOUNGER THAN MYSELF,
who can perform some alignments that just exceed my abilities these days, & he is mostly available on saturday and sunday)