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Client's email leaves me at a loss for words...


New Member
GG, this has been great. We all have to deal with this and i think the war stories really help us all out.

I really meant "How do you fire a client" as an open discussion on what each of us does to get rid of someone. Mosh mentioned sending 72 DPI files, i thought that was cleaver.

We selectively bid high on things that we know the customer is just shopping around or seems high maintenance. We try and build in the time they waste into the quote. When we don't get it we don't mind and if we do get the job it's worth the pain. Really depends on how busy we are though. I'm sure others have some tips.

It seems like the worst decisions that we have made were when we agreed to do things for free. People REALLY take advantage of free. It's like they are at the Buffet and it's all you can eat.

Now we don't do things for free anymore. Stick to your guns early on. Head them off at the pass before you get eaten alive by Free.

My advice really doesn't do you much good right now. I'd love to hear on what you plan to do and how it turns out for you.


New Member
The BIG change that was missed, in my opinion based on what i have read, was the wife decided to go into business without much experience in what she was doing. The evidence was that she had to change her products and pricing much to often. Now the husband is trying to bail here out. My read is one of two scenarios - one is that they really are dumb and broke. Or, since now you only seem to be dealing with the husband, that he is very sharp and is attempting manipulate you and your great personality.

Jack, that's exactly what happend! Boopsie is one of the most indecisive clients I've ever had.. that's what's kept her making changes so often it's impossible for her to print her tri-fold. She's not a good business woman and Bob is just coming to her rescue. Nice for her, hell for me.
Just as I called at the beginning of this thread: Bob, Boopsie's hero and Boopsie, ever the damsel in distress.

Here's what through me about Bob, he seems to be all the things you mentions dumb (at time), broke.... and sharp when it comes to manipulation.

Just about to post how it ended.

thanks for the nice post, gg


New Member
And now back to the show….

Where did I leave off… ah yes, When last we heard from Bob, Monday 1-25, he was supplying numerous files, notes, scans and publisher docs so that I could make those “quick” modifications and if you remember… they were “in a little bit of a rush.”

This is after I told them I'd supply them with the files so they could do it themselves!
I think they must have had their fingers in their ears singing lalalalalala...we can't hear you!

Saturday 1-23 / Email to Bob: I tell him his emails are less than cordial but still offer to send all files, ALL FEES WAIVED and recommend a local printer.

Sunday 1-24 / Email Excerpt from Bob to GG: With all due respect, you are totally misreading… I may somehow write the wrong thing when all I am thinking about are positive things…. Being honest about costs, economy, etc is not your fault. But, you are expensive Gigi. That is not an attack, it is reality.

Monday 1-25, 4pm / Email from Bob:
Gigi, Boopsie needs updated business cards right away. Please let me know the best way to proceed so we can get them done within the next few days. I understand if that is too short of notice for you. Boopsie just needs something to work with. She has been using ______ and their turnaround has been really quick. Kinkos can also get them done within a day or two.We will await your direction.Bob

Monday 1-25 5pm/ Files Uploaded, Email Generated by Mac.Com which include this note:
Dear Bob,
Thank you for your recent correspondence - which gave me good reason to review certain policies.
Please find the attached files and accompanying invoice, which reflects current rates, terms, and conditions of sale.
I’ve extended a 100% discount as I said I would. From this point forward, I am no longer in a position to continue providing services for free. As I am sure you will understand, this is how I make my living.

Tuesday 1-26 11am/ Email from Bob:
Thank you Gigi. This is helpful.
Apparently, I must have once again expressed myself incorrectly via email. I do not expect you to do anything for free as you are very skilled. There is no question about that. It is not your problem that Boopsie’s budget is tight, and by no means are delays in creating the brochure your fault. I was just wondering how long it would take to get her biz cards revised and where you thought we could get the quickest turnaround from. That, plus, where could we get the most for our $$$.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong in emails in terms of offending you but it is very unfortunate.
Take good care. Bob

Didn’t reply to this email... didn't see any reason to, I’ve no intention of doing any hand holding. I'm done.

Wednesday 1-27 9:45am/ Email from Bob:
We cannot find our corporate identity CD and need the logo file by itself. The ones you gave us originally that you said could be increase the size without losing quality. Plus, I just need the file of the latest and greatest logo so that I am using right one.
Could you please send it over at your earliest convenience?
Thank you. Bob

Wednesday 1-27 10am / Email from GG:
Yes, of course, I’ll get the logo files to you shortly. I’m frantically trying to meet a 1pm deadline, but wanted you to know your email was received and that you’d have the logo files this afternoon.

Bob’s immediate reply: No worries. Thank you for letting me know Gigi.

Wednesday 1-27 3PM / Email from GG:
Here are both the original and revised logo files. Both have been saved from the most recent CS4 version of Illustrator to legacy EPS versions 8, 9 & 10, as well as CS2 & CS3. Each file is named accordingly. Also, included a high resolution PDF and JPG. Only use the JPG as a last resort, it’s not scalable like the vector files and the image quality, while 300dpi, can’t match the quality of the AI & EPS files. But it’s good to have in case the person working on your files is unable to open the AI or EPS files. If that is the case always opt for the PDF over the JPG.

Having a local printer do your business cards and brochure will be the quickest and least expensive way to print. ______ will do the best job, but you might also try ______. They also deal with a lot of consumer programs like Publisher or Word.

I wish you both the best of luck,

(oh please let that be true)


New Member
And this is what happens when you let emotions/ personal sentiments creep into your worklife. Seriously, more of your life has been wasted on this project than you can gain back on the next one. Either do it or don't, and if they start pulling crap, just move on to the next customer. Not everyone is worth the time of day and this just sounds like one of 'em...

Reading all 5 pages has now given me a headache, just trying to figure out WHY you are still even talking to this person... lol.


New Member
I've been glued to this thread too and I completely agree with stacy. THIS IS NOT OVER AT ALL. He is not taking the hint... 'you're too expensive, we can't afford you', 'here's your files and here's who I would recommend... good luck' ,, ' that's not what I was saying. you're expensive but good. here's more work we need done immediately'.

If you're DONE, you need to flat out state 'I'm done' cause this guy won't take the hint. If you're ok with his new tone and are ready to bill them for every millisecond of time that they take, then pull up your trousers and stick to your guns.


Active Member
Why didn't you send an invoice with the last emailed files? I thought you were done working for free? The only thing to get this situation back under your control is
billing them for every miniute spent with them and not doing any other work till the bill is paid.


New Member
The will be back! However, you are booked solid for the next 6 weeks on a BIG project. They best find someone else to help them out!



New Member
And this is what happens when you let emotions/ personal sentiments creep into your worklife. Seriously, more of your life has been wasted on this project than you can gain back on the next one. Either do it or don't, and if they start pulling crap, just move on to the next customer. Not everyone is worth the time of day and this just sounds like one of 'em...

Reading all 5 pages has now given me a headache, just trying to figure out WHY you are still even talking to this person... lol.

Flame, Did it days ago!... and I'm not still talking to this person. Once the deed was done, I was on to paying jobs and i didn't think to come back here and post. A few people asked what happened, how it ended. It made sense to give the conclusion... so did.

Read it or don't... if there nothing you can learn from this thread then why wasting your time read 5 pages .. get back to work dude!:tongue:

even if no one said anything that you thought was worthwhile information... you gotta admit.. it is kinda funny.


New Member
Flame, Did it days ago!... and I'm not still talking to this person. Once the deed was done, I was on to paying jobs and i didn't think to come back here and post. A few people asked what happened, how it ended. It made sense to give the conclusion... so did.

Read it or don't... if there nothing you can learn from this thread then why wasting your time read 5 pages .. get back to work dude!:tongue:

even if no one said anything that you thought was worthwhile information... you gotta admit.. it is kinda funny.

I had a 20oz mocha I was savoring the entire time I read this. :) now back to work. Glad you are too, on to bigger and better customers right!????


New Member
sounds like a perfectly concluded divorce to me... the one that decides to call it quits knows there are two other matters to deal with before walking away.. split property, and split debt... and if this can be done with integrity & the least amount of drama.. both parties can move on... so she gave up all the property, & absorbed all the debt... sometimes that is the easiest way to maintain integrity & still succeed in walking away...


New Member
I had a 20oz mocha I was savoring the entire time I read this. :) now back to work. Glad you are too, on to bigger and better customers right!????

seems like any other customer would be bigger and better...

Flame & Jhilldesigns, all but a few clients are bigger and/or better. And I have plans for the ones who are not. I feel so good about being done with these guys (and I AM done, whether or not they come-a-call'n again), that I now have a plan for when the other two call.

Why didn't you send an invoice with the last emailed files? I thought you were done working for free? The only thing to get this situation back under your control is
billing them for every miniute spent with them and not doing any other work till the bill is paid.

Bill, i didn't send an invoice because I already most of those logo files already saved, saving them in CS3 & 4 took only minutes, and I told them I'd just send the file. Honestly though, it felt more like a clean break to me, to not have anything outstanding... no monies due, which I'm sure would have lead to continued communication.

I am in control! I did what I wanted to do and I'm more than happy with the way I handled it. In the end I was a cool cookie, not angry, not feeling like a doormat and left them with nothing to legitimately complain about.

I'm so cool with that... I'm gonna do it again!

Those other two client's I'm not feeling the love for.... got a nice little parting gift for them. Their files are already to go!

And ready with Jack's perfect line to go with their prepared files: Unfortunately, I'm booked solid for the next 6 weeks on a BIG project. They'll need to find someone else to help them out."

Thanks Jack!



New Member
sounds like a perfectly concluded divorce to me... the one that decides to call it quits knows there are two other matters to deal with before walking away.. split property, and split debt... and if this can be done with integrity & the least amount of drama.. both parties can move on... so she gave up all the property, & absorbed all the debt... sometimes that is the easiest way to maintain integrity & still succeed in walking away...

iSign... that's the perfect analogy! We had "irreconcilable difference" and needed to part ways. I must have really wanted out, "gave up all the property, & absorbed all the debt."

I have a confession to make.... I was cheating on Bob.
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New Member
Let me try to help a girlfriend out...
I took me a while to figure out what you were referring to....
My new title is greatly appreciated, especially in a difficult time; when I put myself in the "red" and still came out on top.

Some guys just don't get "Girl Power!"

"Queen of Her Own Destiny" ... I love it!

and for you...


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New Member
nice affirmation ya got there...

pretty soon, maybe it'll work it's magic so well,
you will be changing your name to GangstaGraphics