I love building computers, probably have built 20+ over the years and I remember each cpu/gpu and memories of running benchmarks on each comp etc.
The only time I've bough a prebuilt was from microcenter, priced right at what diy would cost and it was a mid spec system so I didn't feel like building.
My first PC Was a pre-built - My mom bought it from one of those Pay XX a month for a PC... think we spent like double what it should be, and it sucked. I remember adding a Zip drive to it... and they sent an installer over to do it, was like $250 for what amounts to plugging in 2 cables

I moved a year later and the PC got stolen... my sisters bf at the time was a PC guy and told me to build my own, gave me a parts list, and I built it myself.
I put the motherboard into the case without installing any standoffs... this was before they came pre-installed. It kept resetting on boot due to a short... sisters bf cringed when he came over and saw what I had done... but that was my only failure! And this was before youtube. I was following the instructions in the manual... haha.
But yes, I love building too, and swapping parts - I just swapped my 5950X for a 7950X, and used the 5950X For a second build... quick easy upgrade on my main PC, didnt have to buy a new one... and the parts always flow down, so everytime I upgrade this PC.. my other PC's (Wifes, kids, production PC, etc) gets an upgrade too. It's a no brainer, so long as you dont mind opening up a PC.
I've built probably 100+ PC's by now - I was the goto guy my friends went to to get a PC made. Only once have I screwed up...and thats when I dropped an AMD CPU on the floor and bent all the pins... You only make that mistake once though! I spent a good 4 hours re-bending them back.. in the end it did work, but what a pain.
And if you're too afraid to build it yourself, or dont want the hasle - You can goto a PC store, pick your parts and for a nominal fee, they'll put it together - At least... in canada. Over here they charge $50 to build the PC... I just checked and microcenter is $150 usd?! Crazy. I'm sure other non big box stores will build it for cheaper though.