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Coro-Plane lift off Sunday


New Member
Well it's time to shi!t or get off the pot. Early Sunday morning at an undisclosed secret location, we find out if she flies, or he dies :)

Today we balanced the plane and have the CG dialed in. Plane is loaded up on the trailer and hopefully the weather won't be a factor. Time to see if we can make history with the first all plastic coroplast plane. Ugliest thing I've ever seen but that won't matter if she gets off the ground.


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New Member
It's been a tremendous amount of fun and we really did learn tons on this adventure. Assuming the flight is successful, we will celebrate briefly and then chop it up with a chain saw. I'm really happy to have the space in my shop back. It feels like a huge cavern now that I can walk around without smashing into the plane all the time.

This project has inspired us to seriously build a real safe, airworthy plane that we can market and sell. It will be sexy and super cool looking. Not like this really ugly Betty plane. It would be great if I can find another way to make a living and get out of the sign business. I'm really burned out. Time to explore new worlds.


New Member
my prediction... it takes of great and as it leave the runway a goose gets sucked into the propeller and she goes down in feathers and flames!

Wear a fire retardant suit. GOOD LUCK!:thumb:


New Member
You are going to fly THAT THING? AWESOME!!!! Get pics of the crash eerrr flight!


Premium Subscriber
All the best of everything.

Hope you don't get a ticket with a 'Wide Load' without a permit for hauling it.


New Member
Bob, 1st., Best of Luck. I see no reason it shouldn't fly if the strength is there.
Curious, when you balanced for CG, did you do so with the pilot on board or not?

Also, are you serious you don't want spectators? Was maybe thinking I would cruise over to watch.

Best of luck.



New Member
The plane is balanced with Marcus in the pilots seat. And Gino, I have a wide load coro-sign already printed for the back of the tail truck that's following.

One reason we are leaving in the early a.m. So there won't be but just a few cars on the road that early.

Charlie J

New Member
Please don't destroy it. Put it on ebay. I bet that there would be a flight museum somewhere interested.


Quit buggin' me
Up Up and Away! Good Luck!

The romantic view:

What kind of man would live where there is no daring? I don't believe in taking foolish chances, but nothing can be accomplished without taking any chance at all.

— Charles A. Lindbergh, at a news conference after his trans-Atlantic flight

I know him well and he is just the kind of man to accomplish such an undertaking. He is apparently without fear and what he sets out to do he generally accomplishes. This recklessness makes him anything but a good aviator, however, for he lacks entirely the element of caution.

— Wilbur Wright, speaking about Blériot after the Frenchman's first flight across the English Channel


Rex Kramer: [talking to Steve McCroskey] Our only hope is to build this man up. We gotta give him all the confidence we can.
[to Striker]
Rex Kramer: Striker, have you ever flown a multi-engine plane before?
Ted Striker: No, never.
Rex Kramer: [to McCroskey, with the microphone still on] Shit. This is a God damn waste of time. There's no way he can land this plane.

Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it?
Ted Striker: Surely you can't be serious.
Rumack: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.

wayne k
guam usa


Merchant Member
Man I am hoping for the best for the pilot! You must no matter what get it on video or else I wont believe you..lol Good Luck!!!

John L

New Member
Sunday morning in the bible belt. Good choice of time brother.

Maybe a little late with this idea.. but with all the lakes around you, find a nice loooong dock and get your pilot a life preserver.

Hope it all goes Golden for you.


New Member
Wouldn't that thing require an N number? You're not really destroying it right? How high you going? Best of luck. I wouldn't go too far from civilization, can you have a volunteer ambulance on site?