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New Member
Gino said:
Hey Toucan...

You should be ashamed of yourself. You left out Baghdad, where this is a delicacy.

Road kill is considered top notch over there and served in their finest restaurants left-handed to the public... except for the few that eat at McDonald’s where it’s Camel Dungo Burgers. That’s why they wear those veils… it hides the lizard entrails.

My mistake Gino - I had done one but stupid me in the middle of the night forgot to upload it. I did one for Tehran Iran too. here ya go!

shagnasty logo Tehran.jpg shagnasty logo Baghdad.jpg


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
I prefer an oblique approach. Understatement is the key to elegance in these matters.


  • varmint.jpg
    275.9 KB · Views: 432
Mr Whatley you've got my vote at this point for the most creative, however, I did not appreciate cleaning the Orange Juice off of my monitor from laughing so hard at your "ground found"...very clever...clever indeed ;)


New Member
Fred, I would like to participate.
I have a slow speed connection and I envision that by the time hundreds of submissions are made that it will take about an hour to download this thread. The folks at letterhead had a similar problem and somehow divided the post to make accessability faster.
Is there anyway this could be made for comments/submissions?
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New Member
Ken -
Can't you get Telus or Shaw out in your neck of the woods? Didn't think that Sorrento was that far off of the beaten track :)

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Ken said:
Fred, I would like to participate.
I have a slow speed connection and I envision that by the time hundreds of submissions are made that it will take about an hour to download this thread. The folks at letterhead had a similar problem and somehow divided the post to make accessability faster.
Is there anyway this could be made for comments/submissions?

I don't understand the need to download the thread Ken. The images would have to be done individually anyway and they are no larger than 800 x 800. And my concern would be the confusion it might cause others.

Are you saying that when you click into the thread here it is too slow? If I understand the issue a little better then I can change the structure if there is a clear benefit.


New Member
Yes Fred, that's basically it. When I click on the thread it takes about 40 seconds to appear at this end. Though, it was faster today. Like about 30 seconds. Not an expert at all, I think the thumbnails slow the process. Perhaps just internet traffic volume...


New Member
OK, here is my take.
The brothers were able to buy a new pick-up and pole building with funding from their meat-grinding/turkey jerky venture.
Since the third man was added after I started, I only have two guys in my pictorial.
However, the secret is in the sauce...looks like cousin JR needed a better plucking.


  • fred.jpg
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New Member
Hey Jill...Happy Hallowe'en!
You're lookin' good tonite!
Actually, pretty neat how you added perspective and shadow to the wall sign...
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New Member
OK, here's my first official submittal.
It includes their stationery, main sign/vehicle graphics and an ad specialty.
If I feel motivated, I may do something a little more creative :)

Havin' fun,



  • dead mouse.pdf
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New Member
Pat...you are killing me, man!
That truck looks so good it almost makes you not care what's in their meat!


New Member
Hi Fred.
Yes, not a whole lot of "entries" on this, and I think the ones posted are just not "getting it". You are looking for a real world campaign..not a play on road-kill. I hope to find some time to put something together. Can you provide me with 30 hours a day? lol
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