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Critique If You'd Like

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
I like your start ..edgy ... my impression is for a auto shop geared towards the young with small car racers kinda.

Myself though I push the... service more then the name except for car lots, older businesses, wholesale, banks etc.
I like your start ..edgy ... my impression is for a auto shop geared towards the young with small car racers kinda.

Myself though I push the... service more then the name except for car lots, older businesses, wholesale, banks etc.

I like your way of thinking...trying to push quality. My auto repair shop "TBone Automotive" is all about quality. Thats what it started as was quality before quantity, and thats what I intend for my reputation to build off of. "Darkside Auto Solutions" on the other hand was a second business that was started to showcase our artistic abilitys. As an auto repair shop, we were not getting our full customer base because there were very few that knew what we could do with the customization side of things. So we started the second business and now there is 2. Lol, plain and simple. No matter what, quality will always be my first policy though. :thumb:

:thankyou: For all the input. :notworthy: Couldn't ask for anything more!


New Member
hey D A S...

sorry I wasted time cluttering up your thread...

I'll make damn sure I never burden you with further unwelcome distractions...

Enjoy your stay here...


New Member
Do yourself a favor and buy the Mike Stevens book for starters.
None of your attempts are particularly noteworthy.
I wouldn't go with initials because that is even more vague than your name.
On that last one, Auto should have a capital A.


New Member
Here's a quick suggestion
(which looks like every other quick suggestion I suggest except maybe even more phallic)
I think it needs to say "TINTING" in there somehow if that's what it is.


  • Untitled-2.jpg
    33.1 KB · Views: 172


New Member
oh and i forgot to add to that story, about the body/fender shop guy who asked me to leave. after about a year workin in a body shop part time, i ventured back into that shop as a NAPA salesman. the guy remembered me, we had some greeting small talk. he then started asking me questions about body/fender work. armed with some knowledge(bout a year) of what it take to do this work, i rattled of answers like i knew what i was talkin bout. he gave me an order that day for some paint products, and he became one of best customers. he would call the store for paint products.......and ask for me to take the order.


New Member
hey D A S...

sorry I wasted time cluttering up your thread...

I'll make damn sure I never burden you with further unwelcome distractions...

Enjoy your stay here...

Um......ok Maybe you should try some Kava...or Prune Juice.....definitely lay off the coffee.

This guy seems to genuinely respond to our feedback and understands the need for training and the input of his peers. IMHO

Joe Diaz

New Member
When I see that name, this comes to mind:

By the way don't do this. This is the very definition of copyright infringement.
hey D A S...

sorry I wasted time cluttering up your thread...

I'll make damn sure I never burden you with further unwelcome distractions...

Enjoy your stay here...

I don't feel you wasted time nor cluettered up my thread. I definitly appreciate the assistance and input. Any help at this point is great! If or when I get a little more advanced I may attempt something with your idea. I seen some of your work and its pretty amazing, I can only hope that one day I can compare.
Do yourself a favor and buy the Mike Stevens book for starters.
None of your attempts are particularly noteworthy.
I wouldn't go with initials because that is even more vague than your name.
On that last one, Auto should have a capital A.

The book is on the way...Thanks for the tip towards the resources. I knew I came here for a reason, lol. And as far as the a goes, I caught that after I posted but I was already tired at that point and figured I could change it today. Thanks again.
When I see that name, this comes to mind:
View attachment 65094

By the way don't do this. This is the very definition of copyright infringement.


O, and if anyone else has any suggestions as to resources I could pick up to push me in the right direction that would be great. Already got the book suggested earlier but any little bit helps. I also found a se of training dvd's online that looked like they would be of some help, can't wait to get them. I'll try to look up and see what their called and post back on here to see if any of you have heard of the guy teaching the course. Well, gotta get back to work, but I'll check in later today. I know I sound redundent but thanks again to everyone for all the input so far! :U Rock:

Jane Diaz

New Member
If you look at GOOD art (& signs) and try to pick apart what you like about it, that is usually a learning tool too. Look at some of the portfolios of people on here or when you are out driving around, be aware of the signs that you like or that work well and ask yourself why. Do you like the colors, layout is easy to read, catches your attention, etc. and then try to apply that to what you do. I learned ALOT about fine art painting by picking apart other's paintings..."Man, he used purple in that guy's hair, but it works because it compliments the yellow and makes that jump out! Hmmm, think I'll try that."
There's sometimes a fine line between copying and learning though...make sure you don't just copy someone elses ideas outright.