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Customer quote of the day

Pat Whatley

New Member
When people think of "stereotypical pitbull owner" the guy they are thinking of is the customer who came in today. I know they can be good dogs and I know countless people are outstanding owners but there is that stereotype. I'm also willing to bet a pissed off pit bull is gonna kill me a hell of a lot faster than a pissed off dachshund.

Pat Whatley

New Member
So you'll make a f the police sticker but not a dog for sale sign? That's a funny cut off line.

I made the f the police sign because I knew what was going to happen with it. Plus, at the time I was what they call "an employee." I did whatever made money. Now that I own the place and now that I've decided to get back to pushing higher end work I didn't see the point in spending any more time with the guy. The nice folks down the street would be happy to help him.


New Member
How can I help you today?

Me: How can I help you today?

Him: Man, I live in them apartments across the street and we got a pit bull and she's about to have puppies cause we got her bred to my boys dog and we gonna try to sell the puppies and I need a sign to let people know we got them for $250 because everybody else is selling them for $350 and I'm just trying to make some bank and I want to put the sign in the big window in the front so all these people driving by can see it but I need you to make it so that my landlord and neighbors can't see it because we're not supposed to have dogs in the apartments and my neighbors got kids and **** and don't want no pitbulls around.

Me: Yeah, that's not really the kind of signs we make. You might want to check with the shop over the hill.

When did Mike Vick move to Alabama ?
(..by the way, this is the same guy who had me letter the back window of his car to say F**K THE POLICE several years ago. Normally I'd have turned it down but his insistence that he was doing it so that he'd get pulled over because he was going to tape record the police arresting him and then sue them for violating his constitutional free speech rights.)
When did Mike Vick move to Alabama ?


Art! Hot and fresh.
I made the f the police sign because I knew what was going to happen with it. Plus, at the time I was what they call "an employee." I did whatever made money. Now that I own the place and now that I've decided to get back to pushing higher end work I didn't see the point in spending any more time with the guy. The nice folks down the street would be happy to help him.

kudos to that.

pitbulls are fine in my book ... any dog can turn viscous ... if the owners knowingly keep a viscous dog ... if anything happens they should go to jail. Guard dogs can be killers ... but they are properly trained, insured against and licensed like a gun. Most of these yokels who keep viscous dogs are just plain a-holes.

A neighbors dog (I think a german shepard ... at least a mix of it) got out of its yard and rushed me teeth blaring one day ... I had that dog put down. the next 2 dogs they got were just as mean ... neighbor behind him got tired of the dogs going bat snot crazy at him in his own yard ... gave them treats ... dogs went in the ground ... he got the point. dogs fault? no .. but I can't say that crappy neighbor didn't deserve it. This is that one neighbor who gets his house tagged and egged at halloween for being such a d-bag. God I hated him.


New Member
My Pitbull (Not) Story

Last Spring, I went home for lunch and found a pitbull in my driveway. After lunch, I went to get back in my car, there he was still, hanging out in the driveway, this time acting threatening, but I managed to get back in the car. I had hoped he'd just go home. So, I went back to the shop. Later on, I called my husband to ask if he saw a dog. He said the dog was there, but he got into the house okay. We had no clue where this dog had come from.

I worked until close to 12:30 that night. When I got home, there was the pitbull again, this time near the gate. He ran up to my car door, lunging at the car, growling and showing his teeth, so I chose to stay in my car for fear I'd be ripped up. I called the Police.

The Officer who came out spoke to me from his car window. He said he planned to escort me into the house. So, he got out of his car and the dog lunged at him, teeth and all. Screaming, he jumped back into his car with his gun & called for back up. Two more cop cars with 3 more cops arrived, drove all their cars up onto my front lawn, aiming their headlights through the gate to the backyard.

One of the cops in the group then decided she would escort me into the house while the other three officers watched the dog. I told her I didn't think that was a good idea unless they were able to contain the dog. She said we shouldn't get "dramatic" and give it a try. So, I told her I would try, but I was getting right back in my car if the dog came lunging. Of course it did come lunging, so back into my car. She got back into her car.

Then, all four cops were chasing the dog all through the yard sceaming and shouting, flash lights, car headlights, pepper spray, and tazer guns, some stuff that looked like silly string. No kidding! My neighbor (a Highway Patrolman) woke up and watched the show from his window. Me, watching from my car window.

They scared the dog enough with all their tactics that it's focus was no longer on me, but on trying to stay away from them. I got into the house. They talked about calling an animal rescue or animal control service in the morning. One cop was an animal lover and wanted to rescue the dog and needed more time to arrange that..They left the dog there, in my yard!

The following moring, we had to go through hours of making phone calls, until finally, an animal rescue service picked up the dog.

I'm not sure why the dog chose my home, but it did. I did give it a name, since the cops thought it was my dog. I started calling it "Killer" and thank God it did not kill anyone (yet - that I know of).

I Love animals too, never had a problem with a pitbull, until then.
Dogs, like most any animal on this earth are animals. There is a certain amount of wildness, still in them. You can, but should never trust an animal 100%. You have to stay and remain alert around most animals. Kinda like machinery and other power tools. Once you let your guard down, they can hurt you and that's when you call it an accident waiting to happen, but it was negligence. Anyway, like you said... some are mean and some are so docile, it ain't even real. It usually depends on how closely the dog has been bred.... and sometimes how much inner breeding there's been in a particular breed. Most dogs are bred for hunting, guarding and other kinda harsh conditions. These dogs are bred with strong jaws, hard heads and big claws to do damage. It's in their inner being and it's total instinct for them. Back any animal into a corner and it will lash out.... wild or tame. For cripe's sake... even humans do that.

To trust a dog which is a known breed to have killer instincts and have bad reputations is just plain lack of responsibility around a baby. You are totally hoping this dog doesn't do anything wrong and your baby's life could depend on your feelings or irresponsibility. So, in my opinion, you are allowing a dog to rule your life and possible eat or maim your baby instead of just being cautious. That to me is complete and total lack of good intelligence and judgment.

If we were talking about a bunny rabbit or a parakeet, that's different. The most that could go wrong would be a nibbled ear or a pecked cheek, but a dog with a jaw bigger than your kids head..... well, you tell me ??

I've seen horses do strange things and let's not forget Siegfried & Roy..... and a bad baby sitter, but you go on trusting your dog and God forbid he ever does anything to your newborn.... really.

Call me whatever you want, but yes I do fully trust my dog. Just the same that I trust my beagle and doxie. All three were fully trained and are obedient. Just because a certain breed has a bad name, doesn't make them all bad. I do agree it depends on the dog, there is a lot of in-breeding, and breeding just not done right. But that shouldn't make every single pitbull a bad dog and they don't deserve to be murdered just because they were born.
yup.... this is a face of a killer....


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New Member
Don't dogs have "human" rights too? lol


I'm on this side of the fence when it comes to pitbulls. I've never had one but I don't think it's fair to discriminate against just one breed. Don't dogs have "human" rights too? lol
According to PETA they do.And more rights than humans.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
...merciful deletia...
they don't deserve to be murdered just because they were born.

It is not possible to commit murder on any species other than human. Using the term 'murder' as regards non-human species infers that possess rights which they most certainly do not.

Dogs, and all other non-human species, are at best chattel property that live and die at the pleasure of their proprietors. You can **** and moan at that particular revelation but it changes not one whit The Way Things Are.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.

I'm on this side of the fence when it comes to pitbulls. I've never had one but I don't think it's fair to discriminate against just one breed. Don't dogs have "human" rights too? lol

Inferring any sort of rights, any sort at all, on on-human species does nothing but dilute and make meaningless your own rights which are damn few in number anyway.


Premium Subscriber
I can't speak for the others on this site, but even in the case of the pitbull that attacked my wife and bit her.... and black & blued her, we never requested the dog be put down or anything remotely like that. We understand some people have pets, toys and children in which they can't handle or know how to control.... we just asked they keep a better eye on Spot and use a heavier chain. [He still broke free a few times before his departing this world].

Anothersign..... I'm not calling you anything at all, in fact, I'm trying to help you take a little more care around your new baby and possibly not throw caution to the wind over a principle instead of a fact.

Joke all you want about it..... close calls are accidents, bitten people or unprotected babies are your neglect while under your watch. Why tempt something so small and indefensible as a baby to a dog that you can't tell what's on his mind ??

All I'm questioning is.... you're going to trust a full grown dog around a baby that can't do a thing for itself ?? Now, does that sound normal ?? You'd rather protect a dog's rights or principles over your baby's life ??​
I can't speak for the others on this site, but even in the case of the pitbull that attacked my wife and bit her.... and black & blued her, we never requested the dog be put down or anything remotely like that. We understand some people have pets, toys and children in which they can't handle or know how to control.... we just asked they keep a better eye on Spot and use a heavier chain. [He still broke free a few times before his departing this world].

Anothersign..... I'm not calling you anything at all, in fact, I'm trying to help you take a little more care around your new baby and possibly not throw caution to the wind over a principle instead of a fact.

Joke all you want about it..... close calls are accidents, bitten people or unprotected babies are your neglect while under your watch. Why tempt something so small and indefensible as a baby to a dog that you can't tell what's on his mind ??

All I'm questioning is.... you're going to trust a full grown dog around a baby that can't do a thing for itself ?? Now, does that sound normal ?? You'd rather protect a dog's rights or principles over your baby's life ??​

I am not saying that I am going to not worry, or be precautioned. I will be watching my lil one closely with him and all of my dogs because accidents do happen. Wheither its a tumble, a nip, or the dogs getting too excited and pushing him over and stepping in the wrong place. But I guess my point is that I am not terrified that my dogs are going to eat him either. But thank you for the advice, and I will of course keep a close eye on all dogs and babies alike.


New Member
It is not possible to commit murder on any species other than human. Using the term 'murder' as regards non-human species infers that possess rights which they most certainly do not.

Dogs, and all other non-human species, are at best chattel property that live and die at the pleasure of their proprietors. You can **** and moan at that particular revelation but it changes not one whit The Way Things Are.

Signed, Slavemaster bob


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Signed, Slavemaster bob

That's a hell of a stretch.

Please point out exactly where in the post to which you're responding I have said anything not true as well as explain just what that might have to do with slavery.

Circleville Signs

New Member
I don't, for the life of me, understand why a grown man is afraid of any type of animal smaller than he is.

I also don't understand the idea that we need to give animals "rights". Let me tell you one of my dog stories. (BTW - i have personally put down a few animals - doesn't bother me one single bit - because they are animals, not people. And the ones that I took out of this world deserved to be taken out. Except for the game animals that I shoot. They are just super tasty.) Anyways...

My daughter was about 3 years old and we were at my In-laws. My father in law had a Husky/Chow mix named Bear. Bear was an outside dog, and we had never had any problems with him in the past. My sister in law was holding my daughter, and Bear got jealous for some reason (at least I think that was his motivation). He began to growl, circled away, then charged and leaped at my 3 year old daughter. My response was not to cringe, or think about whether the animal had rights. I literally grabbed the 90 lb. dog out of mid-air by its throat, choke slammed it into the ground, and then snapped it's neck. It took about 8 seconds all in all. And i'd do it again, and again, and again if necessary.

Of course, if I'm being honest, if a human launches itself at any of my kids with intent to maim or kill, I'll probably do the exact same thing.