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Design opinions


New Member
I posted this in another thread, but realized it would probably be better to get opinions in this section of the forums.

I've been asked to put together a design for an engineering company for the side of a vehicle.

What do you think of the current design? Any comments or suggestions?


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Pat Whatley

New Member
Personally I don't like "door wraps". It just looks all mis-matched, patched together to me when the fenders are a different color. I think the customer would be much better served with a combination of cut vinyl graphics and a print for to globe so you could use the vehicle paint as the background.

Joe Diaz

New Member
It doesn't have the best flow, but there are a few things you could do to improve this.

1: Like sardocs pointed out flip the globe around.

2: On the globe, keep the water blue like you have it but make the land green instead of brown to tie into the green color on the rest of the layout. That will help the flow a bit.

3: The text over top of the globe will be difficult to read from a distance. You want to avoid putting text over top of images like that. You have a few options here: Either place the text somewhere else or make the globe more subtle so the text has more contrast, (the green continents may help with that) .

4: The phone number either needs to be centered under the entire Mariano logo, or centered under the text. Right now its placement is a little awkward.

5: wrap the whole car, or lose the background imagery and just letter the vehicle and don't do a wrap. Because just doing the doors well make the vehicle look incomplete.

I like the Mariano logo though. But the rest of the layout needs some tweaking.


New Member
I would just do a design with the company logo. Something nice and simple. They are not going to get business from any kind of advertising on their vehicles because of the business their in. They're not a plumber, electrician etc.. If you want an engineer there's the web or phone book.


New Member
Personally I don't like "door wraps". It just looks all mis-matched, patched together to me when the fenders are a different color. I think the customer would be much better served with a combination of cut vinyl graphics and a print for to globe so you could use the vehicle paint as the background.

I'm with you. It always turns out looking like you "made it" fit. I say use the natural divisions and constraints to your advantage and block off "graphic areas" so to speak. Half the time people say "wrap" they don't mean wrap anyway LOL


New Member
It doesn't have the best flow, but there are a few things you could do to improve this.

1: Like sardocs pointed out flip the globe around.

2: On the globe, keep the water blue like you have it but make the land green instead of brown to tie into the green color on the rest of the layout. That will help the flow a bit.

3: The text over top of the globe will be difficult to read from a distance. You want to avoid putting text over top of images like that. You have a few options here: Either place the text somewhere else or make the globe more subtle so the text has more contrast, (the green continents may help with that) .

4: The phone number either needs to be centered under the entire Mariano logo, or centered under the text. Right now its placement is a little awkward.

5: wrap the whole car, or lose the background imagery and just letter the vehicle and don't do a wrap. Because just doing the doors well make the vehicle look incomplete.

I like the Mariano logo though. But the rest of the layout needs some tweaking.

Thanks for the input.

Regarding #1, whoops...nothing else I can say about that one. LOL

Regarding #2, that's what they requested actually - they like the sepia look and wanted that brown to look like land masses or something; it used to be green, but they didn't like green.

Regarding #3, I'll work on changing the placement of the text.

Regarding #4, I agree, it looks akward. I was going to try to put an ellipse around it or something to give it some boundaries so it doesn't look like it's just floating in space and then center it under the entire logo. I'll see how that looks.

Regarding #5, wrapping the entire car is out of the question for them. The problem too is the logo itself, just the logo without a white background makes the logo not look right. It needs a white background to make it visible (in my opinion), I just don't think it would look right by itself on a silver background. Just doing the doors also makes it difficult to prevent it from doing just what you said, makes the wrap look incomplete, but they only want the doors wrapped unfortunately.

I really appreciate the input you've given. I'll work on this some more.


New Member
I see what you are saying about the silver background and the logo. You could always get creative with doing leaving white border around the edges or boxing the logo in a white rectangle or some kind of more stylized shape.


New Member
i'd like to see some elements breaking the space defined by the doors and i think incorporating some of the silver from the car color would help with that.

maybe going with a steely silver globe image and have the green hills blend to a steely silver. (works with engineering and future concept as well)

try playing with it... reversing the green and silver hills from how i have it here.... with silver under the logo and green at that back might look better.

if i had time i'd try that myself, but i'm on my way out. didn't get the phone number place either.

anyway... just an idea how to keep it from looking slapped on the doors.

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New Member
GG that's a really nice suggestion.
Can you lose the starburst behind the animal's head?
Reminds me of those scary portraits of saints in Mom's prayer book.


New Member
The kerning is terrible and and it looks like your strokes are set to centered instead of outside which thins/destroys the letterforms.


New Member
I've updated the design...what do you think of the new layout? Better/worse?


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New Member
put the globe in the O of Marino, and straighten out the tag line under the logo & phone under that.
Also, I don't think you need that white, nor does it look good stopping at the doors if you do use it. That vehicle is probably a lot lighter then your photo, so shoot another pic, or lighten it in photoshop.