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Dislike Flexi


New Member
designsbymtm said:
whatever..... it's a matter of opinion. i can do anything in flexi you can do in Corel.

Whoa! Hey now! Opionated huh? lol.

Okay, make a checkered background with a second over-layer in black with a radiused transparency starting in the center working it's way out. Then put someones logo on top (3rd layer now) in black, with red, yellow and white outlines. Then to finish it off make a put a orange glow around the logo. I'll post how I did it in CorelDraw and then you can post how you did it in Flexi. Sound fair?


New Member
Okay. Here you go. Trace away.:Oops: :tongue: :rolleyes: :cool1::biggrin: :Big Laugh :Big Laugh :Big Laugh


  • Pinned.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 179


New Member
Anyways. Anyone is free to try to create what I said in Flexi, just thought I would post the challenge for fun. lol

I would also like to say that Flexi is growing on me a little more. Still prefer CorelDraw for core designing, but there are a lot of things it does do well at, and I'll probably keep it just for those few options. I was a little harsh on them at first, and while I still think it's highly over priced, it's okay for at what it does.


New Member
designsbymtm said:
here ya go...:wine-smi:

I don't get it. I asked for you to design something, not trace my artwork. Is that all you can do in Flexi, just trace other peoples artwork? Not design your own? We were talking about designing stuff in Corel and Flexi, not copying each others stuff!

I also noticed your thumbnail image was rather low quality. Can't really tell how well the trace went huh?

But hey, if you can't do it, you can't do it. I'll understand.


New Member
well fred said not to attach any dxf files so i had to export it into a jpg .. u want me to send u a dxf of it color seperated chief.

umm.. dont flatter yourself if i was stealing art i certainly would pass on this.


New Member
All I wanted was for you to post a sample of what I said to creat, but made in Flexi. Use whatever logo you want, I don't care. Just use the effects like I said, or get something that looks pretty darn close. NOT copying what I posted.

Seems to me like you keep skirting around posting the art done in Flexi.


New Member
designsbymtm said:
cmon are u joking... get over it.

I thought you were joking when you said you could do anything in Flexi that I can do in CorelDraw. I think I proved my point when I said that there is no "do it all" program. It's good to keep a lot of them on hand.


New Member
I thought you were joking when you said you could do anything in Flexi that I can do in CorelDraw. I think I proved my point when I said that there is no "do it all" program. It's good to keep a lot of them on hand...

of course... that can be done in flexi without a problem i don't understand.


New Member
Then... why can't you just post a simple GIF, JPEG or BMP if you can? I mean, I designed and posted mine in like 2-3 minutes. Shouldn't take long if you can do it.


New Member
designsbymtm said:
i did i autotraced yours.... why do it again

lol. I don't know why I am even still posting. You continue to skirt around actually designing something yourself. I already told you that I wanted something done ORIGINALLY. Yet... you continue to post but I have yet to see a image (other than my own). If you want to back up what you say just post an image. You yourself said it would be easy. Until I see an image that you will guarantee me that you made in Flexi, I won't believe you can.

If you can, then posting a raster image of it should be easy.

I believe... I rest my case.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
No keep going, I'm having fun watching designsbymtm get your goat...genius, pure genius......


New Member

Rick said:
The software wars have begun........

Lock 'n Load.......
I use more than one program to get things done. It is a matter of opinion which is better. I have SignLab 7 .... a very complete program but I design all my art for digital printing in Corel 10 or now X3. I cut vinyl, CNC routing and trace bitmaps in SignLab....it is better for that. Both of these programs are very deep and wide in their capabilities. I just do what gets the job done the best way I know. I also know I don't use either program to their fullest and I've had Corel since version 1 and SignLab since version 3.