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Dislike Flexi


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Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Disregard what I said before, Flexi is way better than Corel.......

Corel=Spirograph :Big Laugh


New Member
Rick said:
Disregard what I said before, Flexi is way better than Corel.......

Corel=Spirograph :Big Laugh

Better at.... what? Color correction? Vectorizing? Design tools???? What? I said I like CorelDraw for their design tools mostly, Flexi is better at vectorizing and getting colors ready to print. Right now, with me printing, I don't know how I could get by with JUST Flexi or JUST Corel.

Wait a second... why am I even wasting my breath on here? You guys are definatly not going to agree with me on anything. This thread is becoming rather pointless. If you guys want to continue on with this thread, have fun. I'm going to find one more useful to my business. Rather than stay here and listen to.... well......... absolutely nothing frankly.



Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Flamemaster....you are all worked up.....lighten up man, just pullin' your tail a little bit....we all know Casmate is better than Corel....

mark in tx

New Member
Wait until your ice cream machine attachment shows up for Flexi. It is supposed to be a surprise, but it comes with the software,
They are back-ordered at the factory, it took a few months to get mine.
I really love Flexi now that I can just push a button and Flexi makes me an ice cream cone. I must have gained 15 pounds.


New Member
mark in tx said:
Wait until your ice cream machine attachment shows up for Flexi. It is supposed to be a surprise, but it comes with the software,
They are back-ordered at the factory, it took a few months to get mine.
I really love Flexi now that I can just push a button and Flexi makes me an ice cream cone. I must have gained 15 pounds.

i want some maybe i can autotrace it and steal your awesome cone design.....:U Rock:


New Member
designsbymtm said:
yeh the guys down at the dirt track are really missin ya..
crash in turn 2, they need some flames asap.:Coffee:
I'm new to this and I'm glad to see you continually putting down people who make decals for race cars and motorcycles since that will be part of my business. That really makes the newbies want to post here.

Oh yeah, My brother, dad and I all drive race cars.


New Member
Just a Joke

we did all trhe irwindale speedway signs and decals a couple years ago, as a well a sprewell racing and almost all the drivetech race cars.. I took it a liitle to far my apologies.:Oops:

Kustom DeZigns

New Member
I like Flexi. It's a good program that I have learned very well with. I can make design proofs for my customers with my logo in it and a place for them to sign under 10 seconds looking professional. It dose have some bad things but so does any program. I like flexi though.

Muy 2 cents


New Member
66signs said:
I'm new to this and I'm glad to see you continually putting down people who make decals for race cars and motorcycles since that will be part of my business. That really makes the newbies want to post here.

Oh yeah, My brother, dad and I all drive race cars.

nope, just one guy who suggested he disliked flexi, the program that i love:thumb:


New Member

Yes, I agree Coreldraw is far easier to control nodes/points than Flexi by lights years ahead or controling most objects.

I have been using Corel since Version 2 ... its a good solid program. Sure there are limitation ... I havent seen a program without limitations.
But anyone wants to buy my Flexi Pro v8 sure can have it once I figure out how to cut from corel to a graphtec cutter fc7000-75


New Member
Just upgraded to Flexi 8... now I hate Flexi even more. I lost all of my RIP settings and ICC profiles. Then when I had those loaded, they didn't recognize my plotter. Then when I downloaded a "patch"... it started to print weird. So, frustrated, I tried switching back to 7.6v2... and I can't access it anymore. It doesn't recognize my dongle anymore.

Now I'm pissed.

Oh yeah, and that upgrade of Flexi's is NOT worth $900... not even $100. Totally worthless. I'd have been better off sticking to 7.6v2

I don't see myself buying too much more stuff from Scanvec Amiable in the future...
Just a tip: Always research upgrades PRIOR to purchasing.

"New and improved" does not always hold true. There are many people complaining about the 8.0. (Just like Onyx pissed off a bunch of people.)

Also, where are your backups, or or even copies of your profiles. Critical stuff like that requires multiples, just in case the worst happens.

Anyway, have fun. You have our sympathies - well sort of. Most of us know where you are coming from. !LOL!


New Member
I got the program FREE, and had it sit around for a month before I installed it. Figured I might as well, but I now regret it.

I am not gonna go into all of the issues I had with it, but I DID have backups of my profiles, but it wouldn't recognize their file TYPE! I downloaded some off of the internet and I'm good to go now ( uh... I think. lol).

I would have NEVER paid the money to upgrade Flexi. I'd suggest you follow suite. The program isn't any better IMHO.

I'll be sure to "have fun" Pro. lol. Like always!

Well, gotta get back to work. Have a nice evening folks.

mark in tx

New Member
When you get your computer back to where it needs to be, I highly suggest a program to image your hard drive. Something like Ghost.