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Dogs Anyone?


New Member
I also have a Boxer and much like cleanmywound mine is wonderful, I absolutely love her. When we got her as a puppy she was full of piss and vinegar and still is but starting to calm down. She is fun and full of energy but will plop up next to you or on your lap on the couch and snore away as well.

I would recommend a Boxer to anyone but like others said it is best to find a dog that matches your personality and style. It was a little rocky when she was a puppy but I would not trade her for a billion $$$.

Boxers are typically great with kids, people and other dogs. She will get aggressive if she feels she needs to but isn't mean in the least bit. She has intimidated people and other dogs though when she feels like putting them in their place.



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New Member
I too have 2 boxers, and my mother has 1. I love them! They are extremely loyal, affectionate, and when need be - somewhat intimidating. One is 3 and the other is 2. Both males. And yes, they like to run, play, & swim a lot. My 3yr old can out swim all of my buddies hunting labs..go figure.


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New Member

Getcha a big shister doggie. I prefer a golden retriever or a the short hair one, the gold lab. :peace!:


New Member
SignBoy i just found this one at the dog adaption center and he looks like he is a perfect match for you:Welcome:


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It's better to have two hands than one glove.
...I was wondering if you have a dog what breed is it and why would you recommend it?...

Komondor. The absolutely all time greatest dog we've ever had.

Would I recommend it? Not a chance. When we used to walk Efie , a practicing Komondor we lost in January, people would look at her and decide that they just had to have one. We'd spend whatever time it took to talk them out of it. If you've never lived with a single minded guard dog, you're not up for it.

We're expecting to get a new Komondor pup in September. If you want one you have to know the guy who knows the guy, etc. There's less than 50 litters a year worldwide.

If you can deal with one, there's nothing on the planet like them. If you can't, stay away, far away.

Idea Design

New Member
...I've always had good luck with mutts...

..I prefer a golden retriever or a the short hair one, the gold lab...

I have a 3 year old mostly yellow lab with a splash of golden retriever. I've had golden retrievers all my life and this dog is the best one I've had.

Always been a fan of the mutt/adoption/save a puppy idea, but this one we found in the parking lot of Wal-Mart.

My wife called and begged me to come down and look at the dogs, and I told her that if I come look at the puppies, we would not be going home without one.

My sweet little 88lb Jasper drives her absolutely crazy every day of the week but I wouldn't give him up for anything.

Love the puppies. Best of luck and post up pics when you decide.

Hey bob, is your avatar the dog you mention? I'd sure like to see a bigger pic. I've been around here a long time and you've never changed you avatar and I've always wanted to see the picture that it came from.

Thanks if you will.


New Member
German Shepherd, without a doubt. We went down to Tucson to get Max, a rescue dog, about 4 years ago. Although neutered he was still a very head strong alpha male. Guess the others couldn't deal with him. It took about a month for him to learn the rules of the house but since then those rules have not been broken other than back talk and arguing. He is still very aggressive and I have no doubt he would kill to protect his family. But that is what we wanted. Without a doubt the smartest dog I have ever had. For those not dog savvy, if you get a shepherd get him/her professionally trained. You won't find a better companion animal. Tried to post a picture but I guess I don't have permission to do that.


Active Member
Black or Yellow Lab or Border Collie IMHO. Both are very protective yet fabulous with people and other animals as well as great with children. Don't get me wrong, I like most all dogs, even Pits when raised properly and have owned many breeds but it is always the Labs (with a preference toward Black) or the Border Collie that I have developed a great respect and love for.


New Member
Border Collie is ( apparently) the smartest dog. I have never owned ..er..cared for one..but I have seen some of those dogs exhibit exceptional intelligence.
They are long haired dogs..really need exersize...if you cant get a spirited dog out for regular exersize..then you shouldn't get a dog like that.
Many, many years ago we had an Irish Setter ( Rossi)..he grew larger than most of his kin..and man!..he could run!...I'd take him out on the country roads..and follow him in the vehicle..oh ..he could go like 5 miles easy..
BUt IF I didn't exersize him often.. he got wired(hyper).. I guess is the way to say it.
As others have suggested..let the dog pick you.


New Member
I grew up in a house with a boxer. She was smart, loyal, good with kids
(there were 7 of us)

We have had two pugs.
A pug (in my opinion) is the most loyal, loving little lap dog ever.
They are not super smart, but they can have almost a sense of humor about them. They are fierce protectors (I saw our old pug Weezer bite a German Shepard right in the face once) And fairly low maintenance.

Weezer was a fawn colored pug and she shed enough for a whole nuther dog.
Sukey is a black pug, and while she sheds somewhat, her coat is not thick like Weezer's was, and the black hairs don't show up as much.
Both dogs belong to my daughter, and both dogs ended up in my bed. It's amazing how such a little dog can hog an entire double bed.

After Weezer was killed, our house was just so empty. We knew we wanted another pug because of their great personalities and loving nature.
Whichever dog you choose, or chooses you, you will definitely have a good friend.


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