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Dongle Duplication/Cloning ?

SignBurst PCs

New Member
then if it was that easy why not get another dongle from the software vendor .. i understand stealing software has been a practice for many years .. but when you are one of those engineers writing the software you don't think it is so immature .. i have left my dongle at home many times .. it really ticks me off .. but it is life

Sarge, I wasn't serious about you being immature. I was mostly making fun of my "immature" posts above, and those of my fellow immature peers (as you were being very serious). No offense intended. :notworthy:

Service Sign Co

New Member
Anyone know of a company that duplicates/clones Dongles ?

I move them between computers so much now it makes me nervous not to have backups !

I can't find any place online that offers this service.

Any help would be greatly appreciated . . . !
I think you will have to continue juggling your dongles


New Member
and I will do just that . . .

but it seems to me that If I called for example Flexi or Signlab or others supplying these $5000 and up software programs,

That I could order another dongle if lost for a huge markup . . . What's a dongle usb stick worth really $0.10 total . . .

Is it really so illegal for me to want to protect my investment on my own and at a price I deem reasonable ?

By the way it's great to be able to make fun of something that sounds so funny, but in all seriousness I am being completely

open and truthfull with my questions and had no intension of using a backup dongle in deceit or misrepresenting the lawful practices

of any software or laws in general and I think my question is 100% legitimate . . . !


New Member
what the OP is asking about is not duplication or cloning, it is "emulation" and the statement about it being piracy is fairly accurate, but the desire to use such technology for entirely innocent purposes is valid & while the manufacturers can assume the worst intentions, I think we can get further with this discussion if we don't assume the worst from our peers. The vast majority of us have been around these boards & this business long enough to be well aware of the nature of intellectual property, and well aware of the comparisons between software piracy & theft of our own design work.

The need to be able to do design work at home, or in different parts of the office from where one's equipment resides is a very real, very common & very legitimate need for many of us. This is one reason various manufacturers have created design station versions of the software that, while not free, do present us with the opportunity to have a much more convenient solution for one of the needs that leads to a legitimate desire for dongle emulation, and at a vastly reduced price in some cases.

Gerber for example produced a design station alternative to Omega, which will not run an edge, but the files it saves will load up properly on the full version & output just the same. I wasn't interested in paying the $700 price tag, but then they offered it free with the $500 upgrade to 2.0 (or was it 2.6?) so now I have it & it is a convenient option. If I had a full time designer & a full time production person, both needing omega all day, or even half a day each, with time lost in the ongoing struggle to trade off time in the program, then $700 would have been a fine deal, as I'm sure it was for others.


New Member
once I pay big bucks 10+G's for a program & it has a dongle it is legal to make a backup copy of the cd but the _ _ want another what 10g's for another dongle, that doesn't make sense that is why people get ticked at program makers a $5 dongel getting stepped on or broken & now it's worth 10grand because I wasn't able to make a backup that IS wrong.


New Member
once I pay big bucks 10+G's for a program & it has a dongle it is legal to make a backup copy of the cd but the _ _ want another what 10g's for another dongle, that doesn't make sense that is why people get ticked at program makers a $5 dongel getting stepped on or broken & now it's worth 10grand because I wasn't able to make a backup that IS wrong.

Thank You !


New Member
Have you called and asked how much a replacment dongle would cost from the company? I am curious on this subject too.

Hey I just noticed REPLICATor is asking about a copy of a Dongle!
Kinda like me asking what would be the best thing to bottle wine!
I know... I know, shut up.


New Member
...that is why people get ticked at program makers a $5 dongel getting stepped on or broken & now it's worth 10grand because I wasn't able to make a backup that IS wrong.

Gerber charges $250 for a replacement dongle, IF you can provide the broken one to them. They will overnight ship it the day you call them, if you can put a credit card # at risk of the full software purchase price, & then they only run the card for $250 when you get the insured package with the broken dongle in it. Sure... $250 is WAY too much... but lets bitch about reality, not inflate the truth 4000%

I don't know what other companies charge, but I can almost guarantee it will never be the full price of the software if you have a broken dongle to return to them.

If it gets lost or stolen, that's another matter... so don't let that happen. Anyone buying $10,000.00 software, knows you have to protect your property. Theft is part of our world, and as Sarge says, deal with it. If you have a $10,000.00 Rolex, you can't make a back-up copy, so you have to treat it like a valuable commodity. Same with your software & hardware required to run your business.


Premium Subscriber
Guess I don't see a probem here.... since we have countless dongles for numerous programs on hand at any given time. If yer a needin' any... send us a check for $650 and we'll send ya-what-eva-ya-aneedin' -cheap.

The address is crack-er-programs we-a-doin'..............:ROFLMAO:



New Member
send us a check for $650 and we'll send ya-what-eva-ya-aneedin' -cheap.

The address is crack-er-programs we-a-doin'..............:ROFLMAO:

I always wondered why you were a Merchant Member Gino
finally bringing yer dongles outta the closet huh? :thumb:


New Member
here's what I use when I want to take my $6000 Enroute dongle home:


  • case.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 144

RJ California

New Member
I believe that Flexi offers a "Design Station" option for your home computer, or whatever, that will do everything that the Pro version does except send files to a printer or cutter. The cost is about $900 I believe. You probably already know about that -- I'm just throwing it out there as info.