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EDGE2 / Oracal Question...


I've been having a problem with Gerber Foils laying down on Oracal vinyl. I have a couple very specific jobs I use Oracal vinyl for and I've been noticing that the plastic release liner on the foil is sticking to the vinyl, and then eventually tearing the foil... Does anyone have any insight on this problem? Anyone ever run into this problem?


Professional Snow Ninja
check your heat settings...i used to have that problem with reflective...because you're actually supposed to print 280 reflective on the 280i setting, but cut it on 280 setting...so make sure you have the vinyl set for intermediate or high performance...

also, how old is the foil? i've started marking them cause if it's older than a year, there usually isn't much that can be done aside from replacing the foil at your cost


The vinyl and the foils are very new.

I've noticed that in the print there's something similar to banding in the foil when it's laid down. Another thing I noticed is that curves aren't so smooth and there seems to be a consistent waviness.

What are some signs that a head is going out or bad...


Here is a scan of one of the letters. Even a couple weeks ago all of this stuff printed out fine...


  • v.jpg
    270.2 KB · Views: 181


Professional Snow Ninja
because if you call gerber to trouble shoot, they're gonna ask the same question.....have you tried the same job on gerber vinyl?? try that, and see if it still does it...if it doesn't, then you have your problem

is it the same roll of vinyl and same foil as a couple weeks ago??


Ok, ran the job on 3M, Avery, and Gerber and it all looks the same...

When I look at the foil in the cartridge, it doesn't knock out the entire letter, there are small streaks left where the entire letter should be knocked out...

Service Sign Co

New Member
The streaks are probably because the head needs cleaning. a good sign that the print head failing is 10.5'' total height of the prints. My mother board quit last week.there goes another $1,200.00


Here is the thing I first noticed this on...

Printed one at 300x300 and one with EdgeI settings, but I noticed no difference at all. I also tried it on an Orcal film and a 220 film, no difference. I'm using 751 for all of this also.

The size of the flag is 1"x2"


  • flag.jpg
    32.8 KB · Views: 134


Cleaned the print head, and its still the same...

Does it look like something is wrong to you all? I understand there being pixilation, but on straight lines, they should be absolutely straight...

Bill Modzel

New Member
How large is that actual V? Is it 2" or 1/2". If it's small, your just
dealing with a general Edge issue, it's a 300 dpi printer and all small diagonals
will show a bit of "stepping". The fact that you have a half tone happening only
exaggerate the effect.

Tony Teveris

New Member
First what software ? Omega ?.?

I would stick with all your testing to Gerber material and Gerber foils because if in the end you need to contact Gerber you better say I'm using Gerber.

If you are using Gerber software then within GspPlot setup your job and save the setup as a Spool file (*.SPL) and send me the spool file(s) and I'll print them here.

To me (I'm a software guy) I would say something is wrong with the printer, tension or takeup motor. This is the best I can do.


First what software ? Omega ?.?

I would stick with all your testing to Gerber material and Gerber foils because if in the end you need to contact Gerber you better say I'm using Gerber.

If you are using Gerber software then within GspPlot setup your job and save the setup as a Spool file (*.SPL) and send me the spool file(s) and I'll print them here.

To me (I'm a software guy) I would say something is wrong with the printer, tension or takeup motor. This is the best I can do.

I am doing all of this testing on Gerber materials... I originally thought it might be an Oracal issue, since 95% of the stuff we do is with Gerber or 3M material, minus this one job. I noticed the problem initially while using Oracal film.

Using Omega 2.1 software.



New Member
are you printing a spot color or four color process? Are you printing .plt files, .eps files or something else?


Here is the .spl file if anyone else wants to try and print it off... just change the .txt extension to .spl and it should work.... theoretically...

Right click, Save As, then select All Files, and after c70 put .spl, and you shoudl be set.


  • c70.txt
    17.9 KB · Views: 195


New Member
the spot foils are printed without dpi as they are solid, do you have halftones in there? I ask because the settings for them might be causing the banding.


How large is that actual V? Is it 2" or 1/2". If it's small, your just
dealing with a general Edge issue, it's a 300 dpi printer and all small diagonals
will show a bit of "stepping". The fact that you have a half tone happening only
exaggerate the effect.
Sorry missed your post... the V is about 5" tall. So yeah its pretty large to have that large of "stepping" on the edges.
the spot foils are printed without dpi as they are solid, do you have halftones in there? I ask because the settings for them might be causing the banding.
No halftones... We do virtually no cmyk printing. Anyways, this stuff was was printing fine a few weeks ago. It was pointed out to me just today, so I'm not sure how long its been doing this. I don't normally operate this machine another guy does, but I know more about it than he does...
looks like the spot color was set for 95% or even 99% instead of 100%
Nope, double checked that, and everything is at 100%.