New Member
We use UPS, around here they're much more reliable and helpful that FedEx. They have a software program called Worldship that we use to create shipments and print labels, it works but it's a little cumbersome to use sometimes. But it's better and easier than doing it online. I'm not sure if there is a fee associated with using it but I will find out. I suspect if there is it's not much.
I have a house account setup with UPS and it saves me a ton of time. I print an invoice, stick it on the outside of the package with those self adhesive sleeves and drop it off at the UPS store. The good folks at UPS take care of generating the shipping label saving me the time of filling out any fields.
Having a house account also gives me a slight savings (don't rememebr the exact amount, probably 5-10%) and it is free (as in they don't charge a handling fee, monthly minimum, etc.) to have the house account. My only downside is I have to drop my packages off at the UPS store which is only two blocks away so not bad for me.