
Hubby stays. He's the best thing I have going.
When I bought the printer, I wanted a local HP Tech that was just around the corner from me. Well, they are no longer there and haven't been for a while. Very nice people, but unfortunately times are tough and they could not survive.
My machine was not a "bundle" or "package" deal that included Software. This is because I picked my own Technicians first, took their suggestions for who to buy the machine from, then figured I'd work out the software later by doing trials of softwares the Technicians had suggested. So far, I've gotten by with Trial software and the Onyx people have been really great about extending the trial for me as they knew I've had problems with machine.
I had no hands-on training because my Technician was only here long enough to take the machine out of the box, plug it in, and get it inked up and running. He loaded the wrong driver for my machine (he was in a hurry) and didn't figure out why he was getting error messages when he was trying to print. I told him I thought he had the wrong driver, but he didn't listen. Again, he was in a hurry.
So, I called T3 (Tim on the forum here) and Tim helped me load the driver myself for the 60" machine. Then the first error messages dissapeared. That was my formal training. Tim, you are the best!
Then I began to print some sample materials and experiment with profiles. I had a wobbly spindle which caused some problems in feeding materials, HP replaced that for free. I've had banding problems and all sorts of weird stuff, after all this time it turns out all my heads are bad. Who knew? HP is sending me a whole new set of heads.
I've had lots of things to work through with this printer and I'm still going through it. I'm still not sorry I bought the machine though. I'm just operating seat of the pants! I'm learning a lot and I will get through all of this and come out successful.
In hindsight, I really should have just purchased it from Grimco, they were offering 2 full days of training and that sure would have been nice. I didn't really know Grimco then. I'm using them now for supplies and they've been great. If I can swing it I will by Onyx from Grimco and not look back!
If not, I'll go Flexi and then switch to Onyx when I can afford it.
Thank you all for your input! I'm so glad this forum exists! Without it, all of this would have been so much more difficult. I truly appreciate the support.
Looks like the RIP is not the problem.
Upgrade the hubby!