Bradley Signs
Bradley Signs
Bah! Humbug!
Covid! Could someone explain to me how entering a big box store through one set of doors, and exiting through a different set of doors solves anything?
How washing your hands after using the public restroom is doing any good?
What? Covid knows it can't leave the store the same way t came in?
My Viagra vacant parts are probably cleaner than any surface is any store.
I wash my hands and then have to touch the door to get out? I have to touch the shopping cart after having a whiz don't I?
Covid! Bah Humbug!
And how does keeping myself too clean help my immune system stay in working order?
You are either going to get it or your not. Mask or no mask!
I do agree with the sarcasm part.
It's like making a post on Facecrap.
You can use all the sarcastic words you want, but if it's not read properly by the recipient, your the bad guy.
I just treat the clients respectfully, and save the funny for face to face conversations.
Merry Christmas all Y'all!
Covid! Could someone explain to me how entering a big box store through one set of doors, and exiting through a different set of doors solves anything?
How washing your hands after using the public restroom is doing any good?
What? Covid knows it can't leave the store the same way t came in?
My Viagra vacant parts are probably cleaner than any surface is any store.
I wash my hands and then have to touch the door to get out? I have to touch the shopping cart after having a whiz don't I?
Covid! Bah Humbug!
And how does keeping myself too clean help my immune system stay in working order?
You are either going to get it or your not. Mask or no mask!
I do agree with the sarcasm part.
It's like making a post on Facecrap.
You can use all the sarcastic words you want, but if it's not read properly by the recipient, your the bad guy.
I just treat the clients respectfully, and save the funny for face to face conversations.
Merry Christmas all Y'all!