New Member
Are you absolutely certain it's a bong and not one of those vacuum penis enlargers? :Big Laugh
Are you absolutely certain it's a bong and not one of those vacuum penis enlargers? :Big Laugh
Sorry I wrote bong but i meant to say pipe. It is ceramic.
No big deal and besides what were YOU doing snooping around in his closet?
No big deal and besides what were YOU doing snooping around in his closet?
Smoke a bowl to deal with finding a bong in your kids room?
Jason, this kid is almost 20... he's not stupid.
Bong goes missing, parents start hinting about drugs...
and moderation has nothing to do with pot, unlike alcohol.
please stop.
jason, this kid is almost 20... He's not stupid.
Bong goes missing, parents start hinting about drugs...
"hmm maybe the tooth fairy took it"
and moderation has nothing to do with pot, unlike alcohol.
Please stop.
Colorado coming from you this is just funny.
1. The kid is 17 not 20 major life changing years between the 2. I know I trained kids from 18-20 how to be good Airman.
2. Pot is natural, we aren't talking about meth, crack, heroine or any number of other really screwed up option on the streets today.
3. I know plenty of highly successful people, some of them on this site and elsewhere who enjoy a bit every now and again. Much like they might enjoy the occasional social cocktail.
4. Your living in a State that the majority of your residents have a point of view similar to mine as your state just voted recently to legalize the stuff.
If you don't wanna do it fine, I will never argue with anyone about their choices. I don't drink, I stopped smoking dope back in school as I wanted to serve my country more than the occasional high from a toke. Just don't make a bigger deal out of pot than it needs to be was all I was saying. He apparently has a good kid with a strong head on his shoulders and, from what we are hearing did a damn fine job raising him.
No, need for anyone to go nuclear over it. Guidance will go further. Odds are the kid will do like many of us did when we matured. Put childish things away, remember the good old days, and move on with our lives.
I think this is the best way I have ever heard of dealing with this situation. Thank you for sharing! My wife and I cried over this. God bless you and your family!!!!!!!!!!
Mike B
Big River Sign Co.