It seems like the problem I am having is that for some reason the gerber is trying to redo a job I just did even though I am sending over a different job. I have shut it off and closed out of flexi multiple times but it is still asking me for apple green. The new design I have does not have green at all and I even unchecked it from the box so I am not sure why it is still asking. I made sure there were no jobs set to send in flexi and there is nothing so I can't figure out how to stop it from asking for that color.
Open the spooler and terminate any jobs still in it.
Is that an option on the gerber, flexi or is that in my computer? That sounds familiar so I think I did read something about that but called it a night before getting any farther since it was driving me crazy. lol
I'm referring to the Gerber spooler. It would be the equivalent of the Production Manager in Flexi or the print manager in Windows. In any of these if a job is seen as not completed then it will stay there and blocks any other job from reaching the device in question.
This may be a stupid question but is there a way to find that? I stopped the spooler and restarted it but it is still doing the same thing. I am not sure how to go in and actually delete jobs.
Sorry but in re-reading the thread I see that you've chosen to use Flexi instead of Omega. My reference to the spooler was to what is called GQMgr in Omega. But since you are not using Omega, it is irrelevant. You should look for a job in Flexi Production Manager. If you find one or more, select each and terminate or delete each.
Welcome to the Fabulous World of OMEGA/GERBER!!I pretty much have the problem fixed I was having before from what I can see. My next question is that all the colors seem to print good but I went to print this blue medal and for some reason it is off a lot. There is not supposed to be any white so that is how much it is off. All the other colors print just about perfect though. Is there something we need to do differently for this color or do we need to calibrate the whole thing?
That registration issue is a known problem with the Gerber Edge when the amounts on each foil is different. This is caused by the foil feed motors and if you are running Omega 4 or 5 you can fix it with RegFixer I think that is what it is called!