Do what you want, but ask yourself some serious questions before you register and just go blow some money for nothing........
A.) Are you going to learn your software.... or any software ??
B.) Are you going to learn design ??
C.) Are you going to learn to make signs or anything graphically ??
D.) Are you going to find yourself ??
E.) Are you going to pick up girls ??
If your answer is any or all, except for E.)..... you're probably wasting your time. I would sooner think taking a small crash course from a local tutor would be of much more help. Besides, you'd get all the attention and not subject to stoopid class projects. You'll learn your software and how to use it inside out. Nothing worse, than learning things, you'll never use in life, let alone your business.
The last thing is.... you can't be taught how to layout, design or think. Designing is something you can hone, but not by a schoolroom professor or teacher. These people are teachers and they simplify their courses the best they can to make the dumbest person in the class still pass. Sure, they might develop a teacher's pet and give you special credits and get you to feel good about yourself, but they're not going to give you more than a few hours on elements, weight, composition, light, color, theory or any other area in the designing field, so if you can't design now, school is only get you maybe if you're lucky 15% better.
Like this, if you can't draw other than stick figures.... you don't go to drawing class. You go to pottery class or Elementary Art Ed. You become something you can do.... teach what you like, but cannot do yourself. Many coaches are just this. They know perfect from preposterous, but they can't perform themselves.
So, be true to yourself and mark out what you really want to accomplish.