Dale, how about this... we'll forgive that you judged us all, based on one post, and we'll forgive that you essentially door-bell-ditched us (rang our door bell, drop some sh!t on our porch and ran away).
How about giving the poster, that ticked you off, a chance to respond. I can't help but think the person who posted that, didn't intentionally give inaccurate facts. It's not all that uncommon to have someone try and get a job done dirt cheap by misrepresenting someone else work.
It goes something like this...
cheap a$$ cleint: "what do you mean it's gonna cost $3,000 & take three days, are you nuts... my cousin's, friend's, next-door neighbor's, uncle's, ex-wife's, son got this super cool job done for $600 and it only took 2 hours."
Don't storm off so fast, you'll be missing out on a great site and some great people... and we'll miss out on getting to know a talented artist.