IVe had so many startup a sign business in my town, after buying a cutter, printer, and whatever else they could get, but they didnt know the first thing about the fundamentals of layout.
They then set about destroying the perception of the sign business here, driving the pricing down, and basically giving work away and most customers went along with them. All the tools available
to signmakers are great, all the way from the brush and paint, to the cutters and printers, but without that knowledge of design, they are like giving a motorcycle to a snake. I scaled back my signwork here
due to low sales and a horrible economy. Most of those that started up are now gone. Myself, I had many decent years doing signs, and Im proud of the work I did. Im glad that I studied Mike Stevens, Signcraft
and other great signmakers to learn what I could and apply it to the work that I did. More people need to focus on design before focusing on buying equipment.