This is really too funny……
Hey turtlewax…. If you were as long in the tooth as me and some of the others…. you’d realize that by the words I used, the icons I used and the manner in which it was all stated…. I was really giving you a back-handed compliment. My mistake, I thought you understood what was going on here, based on your post #152. Although it was given in good humor and misunderstood by you…. I don’t want to see someone leave on my account, but if something like this upsets you…. maybe you should consider becoming a
‘Fluffer’ where the people don’t have to put up with your reasoning powers….. and all you get is sore knees instead of an ego.
Now that last statement was in fun, just so you don’t get your panties bunched up.
Right…. I’m not coming back here any more and I’m taking my ball home too………. boo-hoo-hoo………….