you look. We're all trying to comfort you and we all feel bad for you, but sometimes the best laid plans are not always gonna work, such as in your case. You keep saying they were nice people.... evidently they are not good people, if they outright lied to you.
Your biggest thing you need to take from this whole ordeal is..... he said, they said whoever said does not work in a court of law when things go wrong.
ONLY written and signed documents work. For instance, if your loan person took you at your word, you could easily say, I'm not gonna pay another red cent. This thing doesn't do what all those people said it would do. Then they're out the money...... but noooo..... they had you sign all kindsa paperwork, just for cases like this.
What other Roland dealers say and do... have nothing to do with you and your conversations with your people. Your only mistake was for you not to get it in writing.
Good luck, cause I was in two class action suits. One about 25 years ago and the other one about 15 years ago. There were about 28 other people involved in the first one. I was the only person to get anything outta the deal. Guess why. I had all my stuff documented. The second one, about 10 different companies and the same thing. I had all my stuff documented and the guy went to jail, but I still got my money back. The others were all left holding their joysticks saying wha..... ?? Then,
they got mad at me, cause I knew what I was doing. People are weird and when money is involved, things get a whole lot funkier.