You might want to hire a technician. So far the printer has been down for a week from your posts. That would cost me thousands. I would rather pay a Roland Technician a thousand and be back making money. That's your best bet at this time. Wouldn't it be ??
it would be yes, but i just got into this business, i still have my regular job. for the amount of customers i have waiting i might justify the cost...
I have printed some quality stuff but only using the main 3 colors, no real mixes because it all looks like crap.
i brought some prints to my local rep and he gave me some advice. he helped with a bunch of info already.
i also like to work on things myself, i am very hands on. i've replaced quite a few things on the machine already which is only helping me learn it even more. google my screen name. i'm into lots of different things!
It might be my next step though