• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

How honest are you?

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New Member
I think threads like this which aren't intended to tick people off kind of do. it's like saying "I know what a pounce pattern is and have made many, ha ha, you poor slob who has no idea what that is is nothing compared to me". I know that really isn't what is being said but it sure feels that way to most people. I do get what you are saying as I have put a good deal of my life into learning eveything from marketing to materials. no matter what part of the sign business you go into, I agree that you should learn what you can about it. if a person decides to make just decals from a computer, so what? that doesn't mean that they should run out and learn how to clean a brush or know what "leading" means.

PS I liked your Stephen King reference as I am a huge fan of his. this is my photo, but I have a whole photo album of them of me standing in front of his house in Bangor. the place is so cool and the fence with it's spider web design is awesome.


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SignBurst PCs

New Member
Signburst: Just because somebody joined yesterday (11th post) does not mean they were only here yesterday. Prefr you did not refer to me as an a$$.


It really doesn't matter how long you have been here. My impression is that your post was an ego trip. Saying that you don't have an ego just solidifies that impression (we all have an ego). If you want to encourage others to up their game, there are better ways to go about that. You came in and told us all how great you are and how others aren't even worth of listening to. That is an ego trip.

And honestly, I would prefer you not be an a$$.


New Member
What the heck does electricity have to do with anything? I'm so freakin lost in this thread...I must not know how to make signs....

Pro Image

New Member
I am one of only three people in Austtralia specialising in a niche market. Business is good. $2000 per square metre

You Sir and not a Sign maker your are a Artist that makes signs......BIG DIFFERENCE........We each have are own NICHE.........Im running 3000 .75in decals right now......1200.00 for 3 hours work......Would you do that job.....I can anwser by the tone of your other posts NO you wouldn't.......I do that kind of jobs everyday......Cut vinyl, Printed and Contour Cut Vinyl, and Screen Printed Vinyl.......100's and 1000's of the same words or designs......I have my NICHE just like you have yours but let me tell you Im in the Sign Industry just the same as you.......I make the same Visual Communications as you do....but I don't classify mine as ART and don't look down my nose to those who I feel are underneath me.....You Sir need to stick to your Niche and give advice about what you know.....NOT what you think you know.......


New Member

I am an egotistical A$$ with knowledge of a few facets of the sign industry (including print).

It's late, (well here in OZ), I felt it was a sincerely legitinate question (or should that be QUESTION) considering this is a sign forum.

Yes banners, coroplast, business cards, wraps are all signs... there I admitted it.

The point that I was actually asking (which maybe I should have been more direct) was " do you MAKE signs or do you merely print signs"? Do you encompass the sign industry or focus (and that is all you know) in one area - that is - a digital printer.

Just because you can play a guitar doesn't make you a musician.

Maybe I got it wrong and the emphasis on this particular forum is more dedicated to the electronic medium rather than the more traditional / diverse medium.

I suspect that those long lasting "relationships" having been built over time, do appear to have not only a pack - but also a negative conotation to them.

I don't believe that I am that "wrong" that nobody has actually posted... " hey I understand where you are coning from Gregg"... well maybe Si and Joe.

Either way - Happy days.

SignBurst PCs

New Member
For the most part, the folks on this forum are all good people doing the best they can to make a living by doing something that they enjoy. Some are more experienced, some are more knowledgeable, and some are more artistic than others. You seem very happy to be everything that you say you are. That is cool. But why imply that others are somehow less worthy than you and not worth listening to? What good does that do? OK, you have solidified the worth of those that you feel are already worthy (OP, iSign, Joe, etc), but have completely alienated those that you are hoping to inspire. How does that make any sense?


New Member
No matter how many years you have in the trade, it's all the same in the end....I.O.A.F.S.
Some of us may be better at some things than others but, there are many parts to the sign biz, so it's not exclusive to any particular medium. Everyone is entitled to make a buck doing what they like.

Now Michael Angelo and Davinci are in a whole other league.


New Member
hopefully I have posted something that will pi$$$ 1000 people off and make one want to do better and learn what all those "things" are.

Ahhhh So! Zen Sign and PRINT master Gregg Parkes.....now I see....I am but rock with moss.....you are flower blossoming

Please shower us with your benevolence oh master of the sign arts!

or...go lay down and sleep it off :bushmill:

Joe Diaz

New Member
To Si and Joe: BINGO!!! You get it.

Thanks. But...
Don't get me wrong. I think it is extremely important to at least attempt to have an understanding of all aspect of this industry. Knowledge is power and all. I also think it is great to have an understanding of our industries history... But I don't think it's fair to say one niche of this business is more important than another.

I don't know if we would be in business if our shop never embraced the new technology that continues to come out each and every day... If we never made the decision to implement computers and plotters and more recently large format printers. To start doing print design and websites and branding.

To be honest even though we still offer painted signage, murals and striping, it isn't the majority of our work and it would be extremely hard for us to make a living off of only those services in this area of the country. Anymore those services are "perk" jobs that we have to "upsell" for people that want the longevity that paint has to offer or wants the extra bit of pinstriping to spruce up their company vehicle, or the look and feel of signs of the past.

I think the trick is to be diverse and to offer whatever you can to stay in business, what ever those services happen to be.


General Know-it-all
The first caveman that placed his hand on a cave wall and traced around it looked at a fitch and said "It'll never work". It doesn't make any difference what tools you use... either you've got it (talent) or you don't, it's not whether you know what smaltz is but how creatively you use it (yes, I've done several smaltz signs). My first job in the sign shop was pouncing patterns with an elect. pouncer (man those things hurt if you're not careful!) now I use an electric computer.... it's the 21st century. I'm I glad I know what a pounce pattern, smaltz or a fitch is... sure, but learn to use the new tools or get left behind.:rock-n-roll:


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New Member
Oh... and by the way... amongst all the crazy names, I have difficulty in locating websites.

If those interested would be so kind as to post a link I would appreciate it ( or being a "newbie", tell me how to fast link). I love admiring the work of others, and gives a genuine understanding of the markets you operate in and focus on.



New Member
Oh... and by the way the way... Joe I agree, Maybe it appeared that I don't use technology... quite the contrary. I run Rhino 3d, Enroute, and Aspire, 3 axis routers and plotters (trying NOT to be an A$$ here...lol) I am totally in 2010. I guess I just worded everything wrong.

Silly me.

PS: Scott did a fantastic job on the Pontiac video. You should all be very proud.

SignBurst PCs

New Member
Oh... and by the way... amongst all the crazy names, I have difficulty in locating websites.

If those interested would be so kind as to post a link I would appreciate it ( or being a "newbie", tell me how to fast link). I love admiring the work of others, and gives a genuine understanding of the markets you operate in and focus on.


Now that is a great post!


New Member
I thought this topic would be about what happened to me last week.
I was overpaid by a client (they forgot to deduct the deposit from the final check)
so of course I was up front about it and went down and was issued a new smaller check for the right amount.

Tell you what, Gregg, I have been a signpainter for 25 years.
I could survive without electricity, business wise. But who would want to?
I love to design with a mouse, although I can also do it with a pencil.

I wish I knew as much about running computers sign software/equipment as these newbies do.
I would never want to learn how to run a printer, I'd rather buy prints from one of them.
And I have never been a big lover of dimensional signs so I don't wish to have a router.
But I am pretty good with a jigsaw and epoxy putty when I need to be.
My work has been in every trade mag, but I consider myself to not be a big deal or even very talented compared to some people I know.

Every job I do, whether it be a corosign or a big painted job, I do with care.
I check stupid little details like kerning and contrast.
I am not passionate like I was years ago, but I am still dedicated.
I see lots of people who have been in this biz for years make mistakes, such as squishing or stretching text, improper use of fonts, spelling mistakes, etc. I see them sitting back on their achievements and not be willing to adapt. Or accept well-intentioned advice.

I do see newbies who come along, breaking every rule there is and bragging about it like it's cool. Some of these newbies turn out to be pretty darn good at what they do.
Others get out of the business real fast, while some diehards continue to make visual pollution and sell it by the pound. They will never "get it". But they help my business because they make my signs look good. hahaha

I try to teach people the things I've been taught over the years, and I learn from my mistakes every day. Sometimes I see work posted on forums and I have to bite the insides of my cheeks and sit on my hands so I don't comment. I know some people think of me as being a b!tch, but I am only trying to be honest. If I told you that you had a piece of broccoli stuck between your teeth, would you take it out or would you leave it in there because you liked it that way?

I wish I didn't care so much, that I could just crank out the vynull and rake in the cash.
Like Bob said, IOAFS, the old Letterhead motto.


New Member
Even though I've been using mine since '76, I never got the memo saying we could call it an OHP. I have been using the long name all this time. Thanks, this is gonna save me a pile of money and time. I love this site.


New Member
Jill you sell yourself short on your talent:

You have enhanced my point: "Every job I do, whether it be a corosign or a big painted job, I do with care.
I check stupid little details like kerning and contrast.
I am not passionate like I was years ago, but I am still dedicated.
I see lots of people who have been in this biz for years make mistakes, such as squishing or stretching text, improper use of fonts, spelling mistakes, etc. I see them sitting back on their achievements and not be willing to adapt. Or accept well-intentioned advice."

Maybe you are still passionate - it's just that it is now second nature that appears dedication to the passion itself.

PS I consider you the QUEEN of kerning... every time I look at a sign before starting... I think of you. Seriously... "what would Jill say"?
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