This is pretty much standard once or twice a week in todays business world. According to the customer and the size of the company, the right has no idea what the left is doing. Someone says, get this done by such &such and the ball starts rolling. Most likely no one has the faintest idea when the project is due, so they all make up dates to protect themselves. Then, when it's done on or before schedule, it'll just sit there, as THEY know it's safe.
We had one recently who called us back in February about turnaround and some questions on layout. Had this customer for about 5 or 6 years. Told him over and over, don't wait til the last minute, or we might not get it finished in time. They called on Friday and said they needed by next Friday. Ahh, where's the new artwork ?? You'll have it real soon. Tuesday afternoon, I get it. Luckily, is all Okay. Finished it up and called them Friday morning it was ready. They came in around 4:30....... Tuesday. Talking with the guy, he said the show wasn't until the last week in June. Now, the best part is........ we don't do a thing for this company, until they send a check in advance. I was sitting on a $3,500 check the whole time, so I didn't care when they got there.