For decades cutting plastic panels has been discussed a million times. Every one has their best way. But too many have some kind of bad results when done. How many have tried to install an acrylic panel only to have to split or run a 3 inch crack, or have a crescent chip fall out.. That is just one of the negative results.
The absolute best way to cut plastic panels is use a fine toothed paneling saw run backwards. Yes backwards. That will work because plastic cuts best with a negative rake on the saw tooth. Then you get a clean cut with absolutely no micro cracks or other negative results. The saw blade will never grab the plastic and cause a gouge or a crack in any way.
Before any one objects and say that is the wrong way,,, all one has to do is think about a miter saw. They run great for cutting plastic and aluminum and other products because the proper blade miter saw blade has a 7 degree negative rake on the teeth. That negative rake prevents the saw from grabbing and pulling the blade into the work.