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Question How to do this.................... ??


Premium Subscriber
I'm trying to PM someone in this membership, (some of you may have guessed who),but they don't have a way listed to reach out to them. Am I missing something ?? Usually there's a click on 'start a conversation', but this particular member doesn't have that. Does that mean they don't wanna be bothered or it's somewhere else ??

Any help would be nice.

:thankyou: Gino


Premium Subscriber
Well, if I was to PM one of you two, would you go and see if you can see it on their profile page. I highly doubt, you can single out one member to not be able to reach out to you.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I see what Gino is talking about - they somehow have that option omitted. LOL, unless I've been blocked too.,
You can post a message on their profile page. I don't know if that's the same thing - I don't understand the back room very well


New Member
In your settings under privacy there is this option:


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I'm here for Educational Purposes
Thanks Dan! I just updated a couple of things. none of you need to know how old I am. :p


New Member
As the person in question has not viewed this thread, or posted since 12/3, I think you upset them Gino.


Premium Subscriber
As the person in question has not viewed this thread, or posted since 12/3, I think you upset them Gino.

I think you have the correct person, but they posted just today, which brings the reason for my trying to reach out to them. I still cannot figure out how to contact him.


Premium Subscriber
With the sh!t you've been sending around, I wouldn't be concerned with skid marks...................