'High Margin' is a synonym for 'Retail'
We turn it down. Because it's not high margin. There isn't such a thing as high margin work. There's paying the right guy[reputation] to get the job done right, or there's taking a risk with the hungry guy.
To answer your question "why" it's a matter of loyalty and making sure our customers know they are our first priority. We don't do grand format, we're a screen printer. But all things the same, if a wholesale client had a choice between trade-only and someone with a retail side, 11 times out of 10 they would choose the trade only supplier.
**On a side note we have worked with Merritt & Signs365 back when we were a retail sign shop. They BOTH did a stand up job. Merritt was cheaper and took longer on the small orders we placed.
I'm going to be the first to say this is silly talk.
First of all, I do wholesale and retail work. I treat each and every customer the same. How is it a matter of loyalty or priority? It's a matter of who what job came in first.....or who pays more

, and so on. Your making facts up on the spot saying 11/10 would go wholesale. Not true. You know how many wholesale screen printers ive tried to use to print 1000's, of home security signs? many. All of them about 30% of the signs were unreadable or smudged... cracked peeled.. just awful. I started using a NON wholesale company, wala problem solved. It's all about who does it for you... As a retail myself, why would i rather use to the trade only? That would them better then me? What mike said was right. Why turn down work? I'll work every single day, all night, and get no sleep for a week. Hard work, and dedication is what makes a company great to use. Not their association and who they sell to.
no thanks.