Hey Guys,
I just came here to hopefully find something I needed and came across my old thread and found it was dragged up again. I bet you guys are all wondering if I stuck with it, and the answer is yes. It has been a crazy couple of months of learning. I didn't realize what I was in for, some nights have been really late but there getting shorter and easier.
I'm going back to school for graphic design in April, who would of thought you need to know how to design to make signs
I haven't made a dime because it has all gone back into my business for materials ect. I'm enjoying the challenge and every time I get pissed off because I can't figure something out and after I'm done running around kicking things, I always come back and figure it out. Sometimes something that seems so easy can take me hours but it's just the learning process I suppose.
I have been making a lot of vehicle lettering and I put a lot of effort into it, to get it perfect and when it's done I'm not ashamed to say it's mine
I got a call back from a guy who wants his other nine trucks done the same as the first three I did, lucky for me it's the same design
This will pay for my kids hockey next year, this was my goal when I started.
If I had to give advice to another Newbie i would tell them that it's in no way, shape or form an easy thing to learn on your own, it's possible but not easy. If your looking for a quick easy way to make money this is not it.
That being said I really do enjoy it and love the finished product. I'm not going to own a sign shop next week but maybe in a few years