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I Want To Accent The Grey!

Arlo Kalon 2.0

New Member
I had a PM this morning from someone who hasn't seen me in awhile. They commented that work must be making me turn grey after they saw my new avatar pic. Maybe so... but I think it's just more noticeable since my hair is longer. I have a question for the ladies in here. Is there a hair treatment I could do to take my hair over the top into totally grey? I have too much pepper left in the salt & pepper and am interested in the total grey look. Lemme know - and thanks.


New Member
Arlo, women just get old, men become seasoned, mature, and sophisticated.

I am about 50% gray, and have no issue with it. At least no one calls me "young man" any more. It does somewhat freak me out when my some of my 16 year old son's politer friends say "sir" or "Mr." , but I don't know if that is any worse than "dude".

Arlo Kalon 2.0

New Member
Come on Arlo do you know any lady/woman that would want gray hair:doh:

Ya seen EmmyLou Harris lately? I always thought she was sexiest woman in music back when her long hair was still brown. Now that she's totally grey, I think she's magnificently hot.


Gandolf! WE FOUND YOU!!!

When I saw you're new avatar, first thing I thought of was a sign painter! ... Nice!


New Member
Arlo, get some of this stuff:
Fanci-Full Rinse It highlights the grey.
Also if you shower/shampoo in well water that can dull your grey.
I know of no real way to make it all even tho.
We must be thinking alike, I recently got almost a crew cut because I wanted to see how grey I really am.
Now I just look kinda like a bull dyke tho. Scary, isn't it?
But on a man I think a touch of grey can be hot.


  • grey.jpg
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Just Me
LOVE the haircut Jill... not a fan of short hair but that looks very nice...

and the gray Arlo? The stuff that Jill linked to is probably your best bet... my grandma uses it :smile:


New Member
get a bowl. place it on your skull. Draw an outline around it.
Then, color the hair just the inside of that line a nice skin tone,, and make it look like you have a bald spot right on top. Very distinguished


New Member
Don't think so. I tried that several years ago and ended up a nauseating shade of yellow... had to buzz it all off.

Arlo what it is worth to you for me not to send this info to your wife and daughter! They may swap out the stuff Jill recommended to get you to cut you hair:omg::help

Arlo Kalon 2.0

New Member
Arlo what it is worth to you for me not to send this info to your wife and daughter! They may swap out the stuff Jill recommended to get you to cut you hair

At this point, I don't think I'd cut it even if my wife cut me off... if ya know what I mean. I'm digging it long.


New Member
I'm not a lady (although for the right price I might consider dressing as one) but have you considered Just for Men? Great stuff, cheap and quick too. Could this be the hairiest thread?