Hi Farmboy, great (and contencious) topic.
Don't think you will really get an absolute answer.
Many can turn around and say " I turned over2 million last year ". Sounds impressive. But can I say that there are people that have "been there... done that". Fortunately I am not one of them by choice.
I think only a very few make it big and make it successful. By "successful", I mean without health issues (worry / stress), family problems, the business running them rather than them running the businesss, the growth and renewal of assets (without debt) and of course outside influences such as technology and commercial exterior climates such as the GFC.
Many many have gone both ways, up and down in terms of size.
The one thing that I can offer is this: don't get caught up in the "If your not growing, your dying" syndrome.
At the end of the day, it is as simple as this: take all that you earn and all that you owe. What is left is an asset, or a "reward" for all your efforts. Balance the reward aginst the risk of family, friends,, happiness, health and longevity of doing something that you truly love. Anyone can have a job, but to go to "work" everyday at something you love is a blessing. To be honest, I have not "worked" for 15 years.
In another post someone said (excuse my liberty):
"I started out of my second room in my apartment and yes with only a 24" cutter then i grew into doing digital print banner, porster, signs, screen printing now own two automatics and one manual and another screen print flatbed, i mean from one room to a big place and let me tell you this I made more money when i was in that little room than now."
This seems to be - apart from the very very limited few (who I assume do not frequent BB's like this) who own and run multi $M companies, the general amongst sign companies.
Many many (and close friends that do not desrve it with the talent they have) with the GFC were FORCED to close their doors, downsize, relinquish leases, sell properties, have properties repossessed by the banks due to really no fault of their own.
Once again - and please don't take this as selfish - but there is a balance between giving and taking - give to the craft but take what you feel you deserve,,, don't get caught up in the "If your not growing, your dying" crap.
You, your health, your family, your happiness is numero uno.
Money can't buy that.
Find the balance that suits YOU.