Maybe I should post this question a little differently...Do any of you, DECENT, quality signwriters, or graphics designers, know the best place to order software from, at a fair price, without feeling ripped off. And have good dealings with....there.
Not to hard of a question. Unless you feel your life is so pathetic that you need to belittle someone to make yourself feel better.
And if you don't have a legit answer, then don't answer.
To Sign Boy, yes I have heard of that saying "it takes money to make money" but at the moment that money goes to other supplies. And I said I was from a " Farm TYPE of town" not hicksville. Meaning, that where I live there are not alot of places to get software. And I "NEED" it to ensure that I don't "LOSE" anymore money from files I design on what I have, and not coming through right at the places I get digital printing done. Thus paying twice or more for prints, that could have been done once IF I had the program my printer uses.
And to TECH Boy, that stated,
"I am afraid that if you do not have the experience to find software to fit your budget then you may not be ready for sign work."
hey jackass, I have been doing signs since the 4B ( if you even know what that is ) and just because I am not rich boy does not mean that you are any better than me because you can go out and buy whatever you want when you want it.
So, in closing, if anyone has something "CONSTRUCTIVE" to add to my "MEAGER" post, then thank you in advance.
To all others who can't help themselves trying feel superior to everyone, PLEASE do not post at all.