I took the actual photos that he sent me (72 dpi) into Flexi and fit them together so they lined up, increased them to 47" x 12.75" tipped the photos so I could get a good slice out out of the middle of it and exported those as an EPS. Opened them in Illustrator, converted so I could open in PS. Then I opened them in photoshop and changed the resolution to 350dpi and at that res it was 75" x 17". There I cropped it to my size, added sky and grass as needed with my clone tool, played around with the levels to get a good deep color to it. Changed the coloring so it all matched (each photo was a different color!) using various tools including the burn, dodge and airbrush tools. At that point, printed a sample and it was insanely pixelated. Took it back into PS, played around with the watercolor tool and can't quite remember why I reverted back to the regular photo and then I actually ended up using a gaussian blur to eliminate the pixels and on this particular photo, it worked like a charm. The water color was pretty good too, as I remember - I think I went with the blur tool because it still retained it's 'photo' feel. The final print was printed at 20' x 5' at 150dpi and up on the wall, it doesn't look blurred at all, it really looks great! That was my biggest concern...it looks far better than a bunch of little squares!!