"AI" as it is now, isn't the same as the "AI" with Skynet. At least not yet.
Personally, I've never had much of an interest in it. I prefer to get the juice of figuring something out on my own. Be it art, animation, and various programming that I do (I use C/C++ so I'm used to "pain"). While I can understand MS wanting to get their money's worth of their investment, I'm glad that I don't run Windows, so I don't have to deal with that as much as they are baking it in their OS.
I do have to wonder how things will end when it comes to IPs and all that. Right now, it's too much in the air.
The one thing that I do worry about more compared to anything else is when it comes to the 2nd/3rd/4th generation of users that have had this taught to them first. We have gotten to the point where it's abstraction on top of abstraction on top of abstraction. It's at the point that people will have a hard time figuring out anything when something goes wrong, can't access it (I foresee probably going to end up having more locally installed versions of it (I'm sure that will help with the IP angle of it)), or whatever the situation may be and they will be up that well known creek without a paddle.