Recently I had the encoder strip on my roland sp-300 go out. I replaced that no problem. the printer worked well for a few months. Then recently I had a 0080 error and I decided that the linear bearing needed to be replaced behind the cutter. I inspected the bearing and it definitely was bad...I called THK as many on this board have (after reading a few posts) and I bought the SSR-15XW1SS bearing. No problem installing it. It was a tiny bit resistant compared to before but I chalked that up to being new....I did all the checks and even did the limit initialization. Then....I got the 0040 and 0050 errors... I called a roland tech and he bet me that it was the scan motor (1800 hrs wear)... So I caved and had him com out and install the new motor. After he left I tried to print somethings and I got a 0040 0050 error.... So I called him.. He says its the bearing and since I installed it and since its not a roland bearing he suspects it first. I asked if there was an adjustment that I could make to stop the errors. You see if I lube the rail up good the printer works well. if it sets for any length of time I get the errors. So I think its the bearing not breaking in or maybe the cable tension? Any ideas????