New Member
Use a picture of a hot woman in a string bikini holding that sign and you will be swamped with work.
Take the creativity to the NEXT LEVEL. Creative signs positioned strategically throughout the community; the signs become "dots"; connect the dots, WIN a PRIZE. Get the local newspaper and favorite radio/tv stations involved. Social media...facebook page! Make sure you collect the email addresses. Special sign promotions for local WINTER CARNIVAL, VALENTINE'S DAY, ST PATRICK'S DAY, SPRING FLING, HIGH SCHOOL get the idea. OH, one more idea: advertise in the high school student papers for graduation signs
I am worried about code enforcement telling me to take it down. Luckily here they give you a courtesy citation and you have a couple of days to take it down.
This is the first time I have ever done a sale for anything, so we'll see how it goes. I already have plans for the 2nd one.
I see CA is "Not Open for Business".......
You might OP to pose for that!or the guy in a speedo and cowboy boots holding up a banner that says 25% off.
New Year savings, prices are going down to get business into shops.
Unlike some who say they will DO NOTHING before they lower their prices, others do what ever it takes to keep busy and be able to pay their employees and overhead.
If you have no funds coming in, you are paying overhead out of pocket, something coming in to cover overhead is better then nothing, IMHO.
Below is a shop (not me) taking off $1100.00 per vehicle wrap!