I hope you're still answering questions... I'm writing up a proposal for the R1000+. I'm wondering if you have any metrics, like a percentage of increase in productivity, or cost savings for printing direct to substrate? This will be our first flatbed machine, and it will be alongside our current Latex 365. My boss likes numbers, so I'm trying to see what I can find among current users.
Thanks in advance, I really appreciate you allowing us to pick your brain on this killer machine!!
It's been a while now since we sold our latex 360, but the cost savings over that machine in ink, time and maintenance was mind blowing to me at the beginning. At least 2x if I remember right. I was so happy to be pumping out a roll of very nice looking banners (at only a 3 pass!) in 30 minutes versus multiple hours on the 360. Same with rolls of vinyl and even yard signs. Of course the excitement has worn out, but I'm still in love with this machine and would buy a second one the moment the need arises.
Tonight I ran 250 12x24" 24pt cardstock boards. I was able to do 5 boards every 90 seconds. The same job on our old Scitex fb550 would have taken 4-5 hours.
A few nights ago I did a few 4x8' sheets of 40 mil styrene (solid red background, 4pass-80density-6color) 5 min per board.
We do a lot of 18x24 yard signs and I've timed those. 3pass gets you 3 boards every 60 seconds
54" x 1850" roll of vinyl decals. 4pass 90 minutes, 6pass 2 hours. Compared to our old latex saves about an 1 to 1.5 hours
White ink is the slowest, but you can get paid more most of the time as most shops don't offer it. 33 pass, 4x5' decal took 45 minutes. The ink is a dream. It doesn't clog, doesn't dry out. Doesn't turn yellow. We don't do white jobs often (maybe once every 2 months) but when we do its a 10 minute head swap and then it just prints. Doesn't even need a cleaning first.
We run our machine 12-18 hours a day. We buy 2 rounds of ink (12x $285) and 2 cleaning kits (2x $350) on average per month. We replace heads (6x $550) every 6 months or so.
There aren't any tools I'm aware of that calculates ink usage and translates into a cost estimate. We typically bill out at between $95-125/hour for machine time.
The year I owned a scitex + latex 360, we did around 125,000 in sales. First year with the R1000 we did 300,000 and no other machines. We have 4 employees.
That's all the numbers I can think of off the top of my head